South American Division

Young Adventist Promotes Nuevo Tiempo and Aims to Reach 50 Bible Students

Tiffany Seclen recruits people to encourage them to listen to Radio Nuevo Tiempo and invite them to study the Bible in a Nuevo Tiempo Space.

Rosmery Sánchez, with ANN Staff
Tiffany Seclen, promoter of Nuevo Tiempo. [Photo: Personal archive]

Tiffany Seclen, promoter of Nuevo Tiempo. [Photo: Personal archive]

At just ten years old, Tiffany Seclen has become a promoter of Nuevo Tiempo Perú, motivating people not only to listen to it, but to know Christ through a Bible study offered by the Adventist media outlet.

“The Bible says that we are to go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; and I had been baptized, so I requested a Bible course to share with others,” Seclen recalls.

In Bagua, Peru, Seclen has been teaching courses such as “The Cure for Sin,” “Financial Education in the Light of the Bible,” and “Does God Hear Me?” to her school friends and neighbors. “Now I am studying the Bible with five people, and I am hoping for 10, but my goal is 50,” says the small promoter of Nuevo Tiempo.

She comments that, from a very young age, her great-grandmother taught her to give Bible studies and she keeps that in mind. “First I greet them, then I talk to them about the content of the course and if I see that that person is interested in studying it, then I invite them to the Espacio Nuevo Tiempo,” says Seclen.

Although the topics of these studies seem complex for her age, she studies them with great dedication and prayer so that her students understand. Finally, she has decided to be an instrument in the hands of God to bring more people to his feet.

“It does not matter how old you are, but that you are willing to share the good news of salvation,” she shares.

The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish website.


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