Students provide food and encouraging  messages in front of their homes

Student Daniele Roque Danese [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

South American Division

Students provide food and encouraging messages in front of their homes

Young people make efforts to help families without money to buy groceries

Brazil | Paulo Ribeiro

People who walked the streets of some neighborhoods in the northern region of Joinville last week noticed young people set up in front of the houses with non-perishable foods and posters with phrases of comfort and encouragement.

The initiative involved students from grades 6-9 of the Adventist School of Joinville (Bom Retiro unit) with the purpose of helping people who are experiencing financial difficulties, especially those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The donation of food is part of a campaign called Corrente do Bem (Chain of Good), which encouraged and inspired students to complete different acts of service throughout the month of September.

According to the school's director, Marina Schwants, all projects also connected to Yellow September, an international suicide prevention movement.

Pastor and religious education teacher Wesley Aquino is one of the coordinators of the class who led the acts of service. 

“We have been working hard on this issue that Christianity is more than a theory; it is an experience, a practice. We are going to be Jesus' hands here on Earth,” he explains.

Action for those on the front lines

Also according to Aquino, in another project carried out by the students, drawings and letters were produced for health professionals who work on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19.

You can read the original story from South America here