South Pacific Restructures Church for More Effective Operation

Sydney, Australia

Bettina Krause


The Adventist Church in the region incorporating Australia, New Zealand, and south pacific islands, has moved decisively to reduce the amount of church administrative structure.

The South Pacific Division of the Adventist Church, incorporating Australia, New Zealand, and south pacific islands, has moved decisively to reduce the amount of church administrative structure in that region. The two union conferences in Australia and New Zealand have voted to dissolve, setting the stage for a more cost-effective structure of four unions instead of the current five.

“For some time laypersons and church leaders have been concerned that a disproportionate amount of our human and financial resources have supported administrative and departmental functions at the expense of front line workers,” says Dr. Barry Oliver, secretary of the South Pacific Division. “It is the church’s responsibility to refine its structures so that it can be most effective in achieving its mission.”

Under the proposed restructure, staffing at the union level will be reduced by 30 per cent. The four unions will be called: the Papua New Guinea Union Mission, the Western Pacific Union Mission, the Australian Union Conference and the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference. Church leaders say that the resulting reduction in administrative costs will free more money to be used at the conference and local church levels.

They also anticipate other benefits including a greater role for national leaders in the islands, centralized accounting, and the opportunity for individual countries to have a stronger national voice at union and conference levels. 

This latest development is part of a wider review process within the division to help re-shape church organization in the south pacific to help it more effectively achieve its mission. This includes reducing duplication of work and improving co-ordination between various church departments, further rationalizing services, and simplifying financial procedures. A Division-wide session in October will complete the final stage of the union restructure.

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