Trans-European Division

Newbold Looks Forward yet Remains Faithful to Founding Principles

Smaller College, Greater Focus

United Kingdom
Newbold College of Higher Education
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For more than 120 years, Newbold College of Higher Education has endeavoured to provide a holistic approach for its students by addressing their physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual needs. Despite the challenges of COVID and BREXIT, we have continued to seek to support our students, whether they are physically on campus or members of our online community.

Ideally, as demonstrated by the diverse group of students on our campus throughout this year, the Newbold experience is best enjoyed on our physical campus, allowing for easy access to lectures, sports activities, and a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and social and emotional well-being. Students appreciate the holistic ways in which classes are taught: not using the traditional “stand-and-deliver” methods but, as far as possible, employing interactive and personal approaches. 

Staff make themselves available outside the classroom, too, offering and providing the additional support students seek as part of their holistic, rounded educational experience. Alumni testify to the benefits of being members of our small, close-knit community in which students and staff can build relationships and safely share their ideas and perspectives as they exhibit and prepare for ministry in the widest sense of the word.

Graduating with “Distinction,” Pilira Zapita and Lydia Hamblin, each gaining both a Postgraduate Certificate in Ministry and a Master of Arts in Theology. Pilira also serves as a Newbold Visiting Lecturer in Contemporary Evangelism and Discipleship. Credit - [Photo: Asun Olivan/CC BY 4.0]
Graduating with “Distinction,” Pilira Zapita and Lydia Hamblin, each gaining both a Postgraduate Certificate in Ministry and a Master of Arts in Theology. Pilira also serves as a Newbold Visiting Lecturer in Contemporary Evangelism and Discipleship. Credit - [Photo: Asun Olivan/CC BY 4.0]

Smaller College, Greater Focus

Our recent reorientation has resulted in a smaller institution focused within the Centre for Ministry and Mission on our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, all validated by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Newbold is now seeking to grow once again in targeted areas as it addresses the demands of new global realities within the broader corporate expertise of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. These are likely to include chaplaincy and health, for example, as well as shorter professional development courses for members of the church and the local community.

We can be proud of the principles that continue to guide our college:

• The distinctive and holistic Seventh-day Adventist understanding of the Bible’s teachings about salvation in Jesus

  • A commitment to strengthening Seventh-day Adventist identity, vision, and mission

  • A desire to reflect the diversity of the church within the Trans-European Division

  • A determination to articulate the good news of Jesus Christ and His soon return in ways that are biblically faithful, contextually attractive, and culturally authentic for those living in 21st-century Europe

Thank you for supporting the important work of Newbold College of Higher Education.

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