South American Division

An Adventist Ministry Supports the Construction of Churches in Areas Without an Adventist Presence.

The purpose is to contribute to the proclamation of the gospel with distinct missionary plans and projects.


Rosse Ramírez
Members of the leadership of FE Chile, along with members of the leadership of FE Brazil and the Vice President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for South America at the FE Brazil Meeting. [Photo: FE Chile]

Members of the leadership of FE Chile, along with members of the leadership of FE Brazil and the Vice President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for South America at the FE Brazil Meeting. [Photo: FE Chile]

"Hands at Work" (Manos a la Obra) is a ministry that supports the construction of churches in areas without an Adventist presence and promotes unique missionary projects, with the fervent purpose of bringing more people to know the gospel of Christ. This ministry was created by the Adventist Entrepreneurs Foundation (FE) in Chile, comprised of Adventist entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and professionals who, interested in contributing to the spread of the gospel, collaborate with missionary plans and projects through their church support ministry, with donations from third parties or their own resources.

The projects are carried out jointly between church members, the administration of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the "Hands at Work" ministry. FE highlights the importance of Adventists' loyalty and their commitment to the mission for the development of each project.

Church Center of Influence

In its constant effort to fulfill Christ's mission, FE, through its ministry, collaborated in the construction of the "Espacio Logos" Influence Center Church, in the northern sector of the city of Chillán, in the Ñuble Region, located in the center of Chile.

"We decided to open an influence center because the sector we are focusing on is a challenging area," says Jorge Becerra, an elder of the Espacio Logos Church. After realizing that the "traditional method" as a church was not working, filled with faith and determined to continue steadfast in the mission of proclaiming Christ's message, "we began to offer health talks, nutrition, to study the Spirit of Prophecy, and we realized that doors were opened to us," details Becerra, who adds that "the church has become more missionary. Doing different, playful activities has allowed us to come together more to reach more people through the healthy lifestyle we promote."

"Espacio Logos" promotes a Christ-centered lifestyle that follows Christ's method, through workshops, talks, and community service projects.

A Church in San Fabián

In the commune of San Fabián, in the south-central part of Chile, there has been an Adventist Group for ten years, but it does not have a place of worship. During 2023, FE Chile, the Central South Chile Association (ACSCh), which is the administrative headquarters of the church for the south-central area of the country, and the members of the San Fabián Adventist Group joined forces to roof and clad the meeting hall on the land they acquired.

The church members made a covenant with God, through offerings directed to the construction project, which made it possible to install windows and doors. Currently, work is underway on the construction of bathrooms so that, finally, the San Fabián Adventist group can gather and work sharing the gospel with families and young people in the area. "The goal is for more people to come to know the Lord," says Jeremy Soto, a member of the San Fabián group.

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