South American Division

Teenage Evangelists Share Hope on the Streets of Guayaquil

More than 300 teenagers were trained and motivated to share the gospel message in southern Ecuador.

Andrea Delgado and Norka Choque, South American Division, and ANN Staff
A group of teenagers doing street evangelism.

A group of teenagers doing street evangelism.

[Photo: Adventists MES]

More than 320 teenagers were trained to evangelize and serve in the Central Adventist Church of Guayaquil, of the South Ecuador Mission (MES), on Saturday, September 28, 2024.

The event involved the participation of over 30 teen participants and their identity as individuals selected for a special mission was encouraged and reinforced. Glaucia Korkischko, Children and Youth Ministry director of the South American Division emphasized the significance of training and engaging adolescents in missionary work.

“The new generations are special, creative, and strong, but they need care. We want to achieve this by putting more emphasis on the development of faith through the Bible, doctrines, church history, and by involving them in the mission,” Korkischko emphasized.

Glaucia Korkischko participating in training to evangelize Ecuadorian teenagers.
Glaucia Korkischko participating in training to evangelize Ecuadorian teenagers.

Fernanda Schuabb, representative of this ministry in Ecuador, spoke of the energy with which the children work in the south of the country. “I am very happy with the pre-adolescents of this southern region. They are totally involved with the church and with the mission. Today more than 300 teens went out into the streets to share hope and many testimonies of blessing for their lives. I am sure that God can use them to be his instruments,” she commented.  

After the training, the teenagers went out into the streets to preach the word of God and share around 2,000 copies of The Great Controversy. These training sessions helped strengthen the leadership of the teens and motivated them to share the message of Jesus with others.

See more images from the teen evangelism training.

Photo: Adventists MES

Photo: Adventists MES

Photo: Adventists MES

Photo: Adventists MES

Photo: Adventists MES

Photo: Adventists MES

Photo: Adventists MES

Photo: Adventists MES

Photo: Adventists MES

The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish website.

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