South American Division

More than 260 Pathfinders Seal Their Decisions for Christ Through Baptism

The Pathfinder Club is not only a place of learning but also a means to guide children and teenagers towards the kingdom of heaven


Thais Suarez
The conquerors lived a great emotion when making the decision to follow Jesus. ( Photo: UPN )

The conquerors lived a great emotion when making the decision to follow Jesus. ( Photo: UPN )

The North Peru Union of Seventh-day Adventists recently hosted a Pathfinder Discipleship Camporee. It proved to be more than a social event; its main objective was to consolidate the decision for baptism of more than 260 teenagers and leaders who participate in the Pathfinder Club, which is focused on spiritual life.

The club, more than a place of integral learning, is a means of evangelism—a ministry that guides teenagers toward the kingdom of heaven. This was reflected in the mass baptisms that took place in the camporee pool. It started with 100 participants but did not stop there; more Pathfinders joined and sealed their covenant of love with God.

It was at the swimming pool where the story of two Pathfinders from central western Peru who were baptized was told. They commented that thanks to two other Pathfinders who gave them Bible studies, they made the decision to give their lives to Christ.

The local church from which they come comprises families new to Adventism. At this point, their biggest challenge is to preach and offer Bible Studies to their parents, who are not Adventists. Their parents were present at their baptisms and have agreed to continue to learn the Word of God.

A Special Baptism

On Sabbath morning, February 17, 2024, Pastor Andres Peralta, Pathfinder director for the General Conference, shared a message on experiencing a new birth in Jesus. Before his final call to the Pathfinders, he concluded his sermon by baptizing Kiara, a teenage member of the Pathfinder club in Trujillo, who decided to follow Jesus and become His disciple.

Kiara shared that for her, "Jesus is life, and without Jesus, we are nothing. If you want to live and be happy, you just have to follow Jesus." Despite having difficulty attending camp because her father would not allow her to go to the club, through prayer and with the help of her mother, Kiara managed to attend every weekly Pathfinder meeting. It was there that she decided, in her heart, to be baptized at the Camporee.

Pathfinders Are Disciples of Christ

Additionally, the Pathfinders were challenged during each program and activity, and many of them answered the question, What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? Some of their answers were:

  • "To be a person who follows Jesus, without breaking his commandments." 

  • "A person who takes the Word to those who need it." 

  • "To walk in God's ways and be able to converse with him as a friend. Jesus is our best companion, and to be with Him in any circumstance." 

  • "To follow in Jesus' steps, like His spiritual life when he was on earth." 

  • "I have strengthened my spiritual relationship with Jesus in this camp." 

  • "Jesus is our teacher; we, His students; we must be good Pathfinders and apply his Word in our life."

The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Spanish-language news site.

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