Euro-Asia Division

"Inspiration" Ensemble Gives a Concert at a Nursing Home for the Disabled

On July 17, 2022, a concert of spiritual music was performed by the Northwest Association's music ensemble, Inspiration, at the Kingisepp Retirement


Information Department of the Northwest Association; Elena Yazlovitskaya, head of Inspiration
[Credit - ESD]

[Credit - ESD]

The Leningrad Region is a large territory that is part of the Northwestern District of Russia. Among the 33 cities of the region, there is a relatively small town, Kingisepp, and next to it is a settlement of the same name. In this settlement, since 2004, there is a nursing home for the elderly and disabled. Right here, on July 17, 2022, the St. Petersburg ensemble Inspiration, under the direction of Elena Yazlovitskaya, performed with a concert of sacred music.

The boarding house is first and foremost a home for dozens of pensioners and disabled people who live here, receive necessary treatment, and communicate with each other. The simple, modest, and homey atmosphere of the boarding house and the friendly staff were happy to welcome the members of the ensemble.

[Credit - ESD]
[Credit - ESD]

Preliminarily, there were minutes of rest, rehearsal, checking the equipment, and tuning the voices.

The event began with a welcoming speech by Anna Sergeevna Kudryavtseva, cultural organizer and the one responsible for holding various events for the residents. Friendship is that wonderful basis that unites people, for thanks to friendship, people meet each other.

[Credit - ESD]
[Credit - ESD]

In such an atmosphere in the small hall, the first song, "The Word of the Great God", sounded. Of course, it is impossible to mention all the pieces of music that were performed. However, some of them are still worthy of special attention. With a perky melody, all raised the mood of the song "Joy", surprised with the beauty and complexity of the songs "Schedrik" and "Moscow Nights". And to the songs "Hope" and "When Gardens Were in Bloom", by Anna Herman, everybody who loves and knows her creative work sang along. Also, the famous song "Beyond the Quiet River" was performed.

[Credit - ESD]
[Credit - ESD]

Hope, prayer, God, love, and heaven were the themes of the concert. In conclusion, Inspiration performed the song "Heavenly City", where God has a place for each of His children. At the end of the concert, one of the residents of the home, Andrey Sayfullovich, expressed his gratitude by reciting a poem about volunteers—those who come to "warm the souls of the underprivileged people."

As a token of friendship and gratitude on behalf of the home, the ensemble members received nice gifts.

[Credit - ESD]
[Credit - ESD]

We thank the staff of the home director, Olga Titoykina; cultural manager, Anna Kudryavtseva, for the invitation and hospitality; Elena Yazlovitskaya for leading the group; Maria Vodyanova, Maria Kuning, and Antonina Kim for the wonderful singing; Andrew Zakharchuk for the excellent work with sound; and, of course, the greatest thanks we give to God, for by Him we live, move, and exist.

Music is a ray of light that penetrates even into the darkest corners of the soul. Thank God for this amazing time together!

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