South American Division

From Basketball to Baptism

Anderson was introduced to Pathfinders and the love of Christ after receiving an invitation to a basketball game.


Thais Suarez
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"Pastor, now that I've finished studying the Bible, what's next?" asked Anderson Huamán, a 15-year-old teenager who learned about Jesus' love through friendship and basketball.


A member of the Adventist Church in the Bagua region of northern Peru invited Pastor Manuel Ruiz to teach a friend's son how to play the guitar. It was there that the pastor met Anderson, initiating the classes and their friendship.


At the end of the class, the pastor invited him to play basketball, a sport that is part of his ministry to fellowship with teenagers and young adults. He asked him if he liked the sport. With a smile, Anderson replied that it is his favorite sport and accepted the invitation. From game to game, more teenagers began to join in and form a friendship with him.


One day, when the pastor was saying goodbye, Anderson saw something yellow surrounding the pastor's backpack. He asked what was hanging from the backpack, and the pastor replied that it was a Pathfinder Club scarf. Anderson was curious. Then the pastor invited him to join the club.


Anderson started attending basketball games frequently, actively participated in the Pathfinder Club, developed specialties, and participated in competitions such as "Marches and Evolutions." In addition, he agreed to study the Bible. At the end of Bible study, Anderson felt in his heart that he wanted to take the next step.


Anderson, his parents, and the pastor coordinated his baptism to take place at the camp event "Ignited by His Spirit," sponsored by the North Peruvian Mission. It was there that, along with 40 other teenagers, he gave his life to Christ. Anderson's parents supported his decision, even though they are not members of the Adventist Church. They want him to continue to grow in the Pathfinder Club and be friends with everyone.


The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish-language news site.

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