South Pacific Division

Adventist Education Leaders Gather for Professional Development

The Adventist Schools Australia (ASA) leadership summit empowered teachers and encouraged them to embrace the theme, “Every Praise.”

Jarrod Stackelroth
The summit emphasised the power of praise and the importance of promoting mission-oriented leadership in their school communities. [Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

The summit emphasised the power of praise and the importance of promoting mission-oriented leadership in their school communities. [Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

School principals, deputies, and education directors from around the South Pacific gathered at the Adventist Schools Australia (ASA) leadership summit in Brisbane from May 15–17, 2023, to be filled and empowered to lead their school communities.

With the theme “Every Praise,” this was the first time in six years such an event had run. Reflections on the theme kicked off every day with Dr. Tracie Mafile’o sharing messages on praising with silence, praising through the valley, and praising with purpose.

[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]
[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

“The theme of every praise is so important since COVID,” said Dr. Jean Carter, director of ASA. “We’ve all come through difficult times, and so often, it’s easy to focus on the negative things in life, but to remember to praise God just brings you into a whole different state and mental being.”

Dr. Carter continued, “That is where we need to be to lead our children to reveal Jesus to our school communities. Every day, we need to have Christ in our heart, and we need to remember to praise God.”

[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]
[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

Sandra Entermann and a team of singers, accompanied by Dean Banks on the keyboard, led a praise and worship segment each day.

“It’s been such a blessing to see the leaders of Adventist Education across the South Pacific coming together to praise God,” said Dr. Carter.

[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]
[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

Keynote speakers included Stephen Scott from EthicLead, who shared stories of his time in the Air Force and some of the challenges of leading a failing squadron; Pastor Adam Ramdin, founder of Lineage Journey, who focussed on the history of Adventist Education and it’s missional identity.

Supplementary presentations included Dr. Kevin Petrie, who shared on a research project being conducted into school climates and passing on faith; and Leanne Entermann, who described the work of the Adventist Leadership Institute in encouraging and growing Adventist Education leaders.

[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]
[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

Delegates from around New Zealand and the Pacific were pleased to join the ASA-run event. “I think it’s great to be reminded we’re part of the wider mission. You can feel a bit isolated, but it’s good to come together and know why we do what we do,” said Cathryn Flynn, head of primary at Christchurch (New Zealand) Adventist School.

Highlights of the event included the formal gala dinner that saw teachers get dressed up and celebrate and the launch and dedication of the Abide Bible, a Bible with reading guides designed to help teachers and school administrators connect with the Word and their purpose as educators.

[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]
[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

Murray Hunter, who helped develop some of the material for the Bible, was honored for more than ten years of chaplaincy ministry in schools with a plaque and the Lemke Medal. He received a standing ovation during the presentation.

Times of reflection, networking, appreciation, and prayer filled out the conference program. Some fun was had on the first night of the conference as attendees went into Brisbane city for a “great race” and dinner.

[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]
[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

Australian Union Conference secretary, Pastor Michael Worker, did a session on religious freedom issues that face schools that was well-received. Evan Ellis, principal of Christchurch Adventist School, expressed his appreciation for the in-depth presentation. “I appreciated Pastor Michael Worker, especially his reminder of the beauty of our theology and our belief system—how it makes us able to hold more nuanced opinions in the public square. It helped explain why I’ve felt uncomfortable and made a few things click.”

To close the conference, Dr. Carter shared what she’d like to see come out of the conference and into the future for those who attended and their schools—five simple principles:

  • We must remain mission true.

  • We must treat our people right.

  • We must strive to be the best we can be (lead with purpose).

  • We must work together (be strategic).

  • We must take time to listen to God.

[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]
[Photo credit: Charmaine Patel]

“The best thing for me is to see our leaders excited about sharing Jesus in their schools,” said Dr. Carter.

The original version of this story was posted on the Adventist Record website.

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