North American Division

Adventist Church Participates in Public Evangelism During Hispanic Heritage Month

On Sabbath, September 16, 2023, the Houston Spanish Spring Branch Seventh-day Adventist Church distributed more than 27,000 copies of the special September bilingual edition of El Centinela magazine

United States
Elvis Diaz
The Houston Spanish Spring Branch church community gets ready to distribute copies of El Centinela to neighbors on Sept. 16, 2023. The church members ended up handing out more than 27,000 copies. Photo provided by Pacific Press

The Houston Spanish Spring Branch church community gets ready to distribute copies of El Centinela to neighbors on Sept. 16, 2023. The church members ended up handing out more than 27,000 copies. Photo provided by Pacific Press

Each September, in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States, the El Centinela magazine team at Pacific Press Publishing Association prepares a special bilingual issue of the magazine for distribution throughout the North American Division. This year, 450,000 copies were printed and sent to conferences and churches to use in outreach during the month. Each magazine copy contains an invitation to begin Bible studies.

On Sabbath, September 16, 2023, the Houston (Texas) Spanish Spring Branch Seventh-day Adventist Church distributed more than 27,000 copies of the special September bilingual edition of El Centinela. With the collaboration of more than 25 small groups and various clubs, more than 400 church members joined this massive outreach.

Several distribution strategies were employed, such as door-to-door delivery, distribution in parks with high Hispanic attendance, and venues where sports tournaments were being held. Many noted the church community’s exceptional commitment and dedication. Entire families walked the streets of Houston delivering a message of hope through the El Centinela magazine.

“It was an incredible experience,” said 13-year-old Elmer Alferez Jr. “While handing out El Centinela, I had the opportunity to pray with someone and invite them to church. I’ve never done that before.”

During this month, the majority of Spanish-speaking churches in North America will be joining the Spring Branch Church in finding ways to share their faith by distributing El Centinela in their communities.

The original version of this story was posted on the North American Division website.

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