The Inter-American Division’s (IAD) second ministerial kick started in the Dominican Republic on Sep 9, 2024, with the waving of flags, wide smiles, and bright colored national costumes worn by hundreds of Seventh-day Adventists from across the Caribbean islands.
“By planes, over the sea or by land, you are here by God’s grace and the protection of the Almighty,” said Elie Henry, president of the IAD, as he welcomed the more than 1,700 pastors, their spouses and church administrators to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. “In God’s plan, He made it possible for you and me to travel and celebrate His goodness, rejoicing in His presence,” he said.

Pastoral delegations from six union territories including the Caribbean, Puerto Rican, Jamaican, Atlantic Caribbean, French Antilles and Guiana, and Dominican Unions, packed the convention center in the evening as hundreds more connected from the Cuban, East Venezuelan, and West Venezuelan Unions.
Special Encounter with God
“We want you to take this opportunity to have a special encounter with God, who called us, anointed us,” said Henry. “You will have time to connect with your husband, your wife, take part in seminars that are very relevant for men and women, for couples and presentations that will touch very sensitive areas of your life and ministry,” he said.

Henry invited the pastoral group to enjoy the retreat from their busy work ‘tending the flocks’ and get inspired to serve God with greater joy and renewed enthusiasm.
He thanked union administrators for their support and partnership in providing pastors and their spouses the time to break away from their numerous responsibilities back home.

The church appreciates the endless efforts and dedication pastors, and their families dedicate to keep the church running, Henry said. “We value your work and appreciate you being with us,” he added.
In his keynote message, Henry urged ministers to examine their relationship with God and experience the Holy Spirit in their daily lives with the assurance of salvation. “We see too many pastors, who don’t know where they are in their relationship with God,” he added as he referenced 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. “We are anointed by God, chosen and called by Him to do the work, serve with power and conviction because we know our identity in God.”

Spending Meaningful Time Together
The next two days will be packed with seminars, devotionals, prayer sessions, and sports and recreative activities designed to bring pastors and their wives closer together to better minister, said Josney Rodríguez, Ministerial Association secretary of the IAD. “Pray together and spend meaningful time together with God,” he said.
Christian Victor, age 25, and his wife Eridania, who minister in eight small churches in Puerto Planta in the North Dominican Conference, are delighted to have a few days together with their two-month-old baby. “Being in here already is such a blessing, like a mini vacation away from home,” said Victor. They said they are trying to savor the retreat, rub shoulders with peers and take in all that they can learn to help them better nurture and engaged members in the life of the church and the community.

Victor has been thinking already of ways to motivate his church members to give Bible studies. “We need to devote more time to reaching out to more souls,” he said. “We have the assurance that God is using us through His Spirit to grow the church,” he added. So far his church district has nearly surpassed their 40 baptisms for the year and he’s excited to regain strength to disciple more in readiness for the Second Coming.
Daniel Lassonier and wife Ricura looked like they were enjoying the sights and sounds when they arrived for the retreat. Lassonier is pastoring four churches that have over 2,600 members in Martinique. This year marks his fortieth of service to the church. He’s been a department director, conference and union president and is enjoying motivating the youth to be more involved in the life of the church, he said.

Keeping on the Right Path
The opening message by Henry helped to set the tone of the retreat with a special emphasis on experiencing the Holy Spirit in a personal way to successfully accomplish God’s purpose for His church, said Lassonier. “We move about with so many responsibilities and we need to not lose sight of making sure we are relying on and living a life filled with the Holy Spirit every moment of the day,” he said. “The Holy Spirit is pivotal in the work that we do as pastors. Our ministry cannot be effective without prayer and the Holy Spirit in our lives,” he said. “It keeps us on the right path in our ministry,” he added.

Kevin Murray, who pastors the Tent City district of churches in St. Catherine, Jamaica, said he and wife Donnisha and daughter Khai-Leigh were excited to watch the live opening ceremony with 110 of his fellow pastors gathered in Trelawny in west Jamaica. “The parade of nations impressed me the most,” said Murray. “The colors, the comradery and excitement among the delegates inspired me about the unity and oneness of the work of spreading the gospel to all nations,” Murray stated.
In Cuba, 330 pastoral families gathered in Varadero, Matanzas, to also to take part in the retreat’s program this week.

Similarly, more than 700 pastoral couples from both the East and West Venezuela Unions gathered in Margarita Island to follow the retreats program and take part in fellowship together.
The opening ceremony included a drama performance, moments of prayer and praise. Delegates will take part in two dozen presentations and seminars throughout the week, as well as have the opportunity for private family counseling sessions, and more.
Nigel Coke and Dayami Rodriguez contributed information to this report.
The original article was published on the Inter-American Division website.