Young people impact Manaus with blood donations and distribution of book

SAD 226 Young people impact Manaus with blood donations and distribution of book

South American Division

Young people impact Manaus with blood donations and distribution of book

Project designed to bring hope to the population

Brazil | Priscila Baracho Sigolin

In a quick search on the internet, it is possible to discover the words or phrases most searched by Brazilians during the pandemic period. In addition to “COVID-19,” what most people typed in the search engines was a well-known question: How do I help?

The answer to that question can come in many forms. For young Adventists in the northern and central-western regions of Amazonas, Brazil, who are always involved in loving others, the answer is expressed in the care and concern for people. Always involved in bringing hope and showing Jesus, the young people took to the streets on October 31 to make a difference in the life of the community.

During the Saturday of Impacto Esperança (Impact Hope), an annual book distribution initiative, young people donated 200 blood bags at the Hemocentro in the capital and delivered copies of the work A Maior Esperança (A Greater Hope) to those who passed through Avenida Constantino Nery, one of the main roads in Manaus. In addition to receiving the book, drivers who passed through the area were invited to become blood donors.

The campaign is a continuation of the Vida por Vidas (Life for Lives) project, which takes place throughout the year in partnership with the city's Blood Center. 

Pastor Waldony Fiuza, leader of the Adventist Church in the region, says that in this atypical year, the Impact was still able to take place following all the necessary precautions for delivery. 

“This project has a huge effect on society because, in addition to being an incentive to read, it also brings a message of hope to our beloved Amazon people every year,” he highlights. 

More than 500 thousand copies of the book were distributed throughout the city in the effort.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site