South American Division

Young Pathfinder Uses First Aid and Saves Life in Brazil

First aid training at a local Pathfinder Club enabled 12-year-old boy to save his friend's life during school recess.

Jefferson Braun, South American Division, and ANN Staff
Facade of the teaching unit where Adrian studies

Facade of the teaching unit where Adrian studies

[Photo: Disclosure]

On June 7th, 2024, at Emiki Kawamura Sakitani Municipal School in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, a heroic act took place. Twelve-year-old Adrian Gonçalves saved a classmate who was choking during recess.

During the episode, Gonçalves came across a friend in trouble and, without hesitation, performed the Heimlich maneuver. The technique had been learned by him three months ago at the Buriti Pathfinder Club. “When I saw my friend in that situation, I didn't think twice about helping him, using the techniques I learned when we were doing the First Aid honor,” reported the young pathfinder.

On the left, Adrian; in the center, Lorenzo, saved by the teenager; and on the right, professor Maria Oliveira
On the left, Adrian; in the center, Lorenzo, saved by the teenager; and on the right, professor Maria Oliveira
Gleice and the Pathfinder Club.
Gleice and the Pathfinder Club.

The Buriti Pathfinder Club , created in 2022, is made up of 22 teenagers and receives support from some parents on a daily basis. According to Gleice Minarini, the club's director, the training was fundamental. “We invited the city hospital to guide the pathfinders on care and first aid. In fact, one of the professionals who came to help with this training was Adrian’s father, who is a nurse”, explained Minarini. She also added that, despite the club being 100% made up of members who do not belong to the Adventist Church, all participants demonstrate a great spirit of solidarity and learning.

Leaders of the Clube de Bravadores Buriti and at the center Adrian and his mother, Daiane
Leaders of the Clube de Bravadores Buriti and at the center Adrian and his mother, Daiane

Adrian's mother, Daiane Arruda, expressed her pride in her son. “As a mother, I feel very happy for my son’s attitude. But I also know how important it is for our children to be helped. There are two reasons for my happiness: one that a child was saved and the other that it was my son who helped”, said Arruda. She also highlighted the Pathfinders Club's positive impact on teenagers' lives. “We noticed a very positive change in his behavior, such as maturity and responsibility with his commitments.”

Adrian participating in the First Aid course
Adrian participating in the First Aid course
Pathfinders during training promoted by the club
Pathfinders during training promoted by the club

Pathfinders teaches useful life skills and prepares its participants to respond to numerous emergencies. Gonçalves is now seen as a hero by his peers and teachers, they stressed.

The original article was published on the South American Division Portuguese website.

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