World Refugee Sabbath to be celebrated June 20

TED 19 rld Refugee Sabbath to be celebrated June 20

Adventist Development and Relief Agency

World Refugee Sabbath to be celebrated June 20

St. Albans, United Kingdom | Victor Hulbert

Special Sabbath highlights refugees and our role in the Kingdom of God

What do you think the kingdom of God is like? What do you dream of when you think of the kingdom of God?

As Seventh-day Adventists, we long for a kingdom of peace where there is no pain, no fighting, and no sin. What an image and contrast that is when we compare that kingdom with our world today!

So, we turn to God and plead for help. We ask Him to change the circumstances here on Earth; we pray for His kingdom to come on Earth as it is in Heaven. But, have you ever thought about how you and I can be part of that kingdom here on Earth today?


Marjukka Ostrovljanović explores this idea in a sermon prepared especially for World Refugee Sabbath on June 20.
If that is an idea you would like to share with your church, we encourage you to watch this trailer and download the available resources from the ADRA Europe website. (Watch the trailer here)

Ostrovljanović is from Finland and completed her theological studies at Newbold. She is currently pastoring in Bavaria and her deep insights, particularly into the stories of the Old Testament, make her a creative and sought-after speaker, especially with youth.

There is a full transcript for those who want to adapt, translate or use the short sermon in their own churches or worship groups. Union Media Centres and the ADRA office have the full sermon available for translation and distribution in various languages. It will also be released in English on YouTube and other social media on June 20. 

Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, the team was unable to create additional resources this year, but videos from the previous year are available on the TED YouTube channel.

This World Refugee Sabbath sermon is the result of a partnership of ADRA Europe, the Inter-European and Trans-European Divisions – and is made as a gift to our partners and churches worldwide. World Refugee Sabbath is a global programme of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

We pray that this day and this sermon will be a blessing as we remember the 70 million displaced people worldwide, children of our Heavenly Father, who are struggling to find a future in the present. While refugees are not in the headlines at the moment, they are still with us. Thank you for your care for them.

This article was originally published on the Trans-European Division’s news site