Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Women’s Ministries Weekend in Taiwan Encourages Renewal, Refocus, and Service

More than 80 women in attendance embrace the concept that “I am a Woman God Can Use.”

Joyce Chen and Raquel Arrais
Photo credit: Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Photo credit: Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Women's Ministries exists to support, encourage, and challenge Seventh-day Adventist women as disciples of Jesus Christ and empower them to develop their God-given potential as they exalt Him in the church and the world.

On September 22–24, 2023, women gathered at the Sanyu Health Education Center on the campus of Taiwan Adventist College for a revival and refocus of their ministries in their local congregations throughout Taiwan. This meeting addressed topics under the theme “I am a Woman God Can Use.”

“We look forward to elevating the value of women as created and redeemed by God, enabling women to have a rooted faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal. We want to provide more ways for women to practice Christian service. As women, we are empowered to share the Gospel to our families, churches, and the unsaved by exercising the goodness that is in Christ Jesus,” said Pastor Joyce Chen, Women’s Ministries director for Taiwan Conference.

More than 80 women from churches in the 10 districts in the Taiwan Conference participated. Testimonies were shared, reports were presented, and together, they encouraged each other and found inspiration to continue to reach others for Christ. Music was part of this revival, where women sang together and praised God with their hearts. They hugged each other, cried and laughed together, and let the joy of the Lord flow into their lives.

The speakers for this event were Raquel Arrais, director of Women’s Ministries for the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD), and Grace Kim, Samhyook University (South Korea) music professor. Arrais’ three messages about “I am a Woman God Can Use”—with joy, in service, and in freedom—helped women to see solutions and new possibilities as they serve Jesus and build up their spiritual journey day by day. Every message stirred the souls and lives of the women leaders.

Kim brough much joy to the attendees as she presented ways to praise God through songs and thanksgiving. All the women had the privilege to sing together in a beautiful choir under her leading, which inspired everyone to praise more and rejoice always in the Lord.

Arrais gave a prayer of consecration over the women, and Kim blessed them with the song “Jesus Led Me All the Way.” Women left committed to “go” and reach their world.

“Each of us has been called to accept God’s free gift of salvation, and then let the love of Christ flow to others reaching out, touching and transforming our world with the love of Christ,” said Chen.

The goal of this event was for women to hear the voice of the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” and them replying, “Here I am, send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).

The original version of this story was posted on the Northern Asia-Pacific Division website.

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