Women Uplifted at Avondale Memorial Church Retreat


Alison Buckley/Record staff
The weekend-long program featured special messages, worship and a variety of activities.[Adventist Record]

The weekend-long program featured special messages, worship and a variety of activities.[Adventist Record]

Around 70 women, ages 15–80, gathered at Stuarts Point Convention Centre (NSW) for the Avondale Memorial Church women’s retreat, June 3–5. The weekend-long program featured special messages, worship, and a variety of activities.

Based on Romans 8:37, guest speaker Lea-Anne Smith’s presentation, themed “More than Conquerors”, highlighted the need for faith, hope, and love in the current times. Psychologist Jessica Bishop’s presentation, “Conquering with Balance”, enabled a self-assessment of attendees’ thinking styles.

Attendees also enjoyed worship led by Marcha Williams and a humorous play directed by Jessica Trevithick about Bible characters Deborah and Jael in Judges 4.

On Saturday night, participants, including Better Books and Foods and Women’s Christian Temperance Union, promoted and sold their products, gifts, and talents during a bazaar, after which the women conquerors’ fashion parade provided attendees with many more laughs.

As a result of the retreat, three women requested Bible studies and others recommitted their lives to Jesus. An offering totaling $A2,000 was also collected during the program and sent to former Women’s Ministries regional leader Barbara Parkins’ African Kini Project.

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