Women-led Evangelism Takes Off in Western Africa

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
ANN Staff
Women-led Evangelism Takes Off in Western Africa

"We stand in awe of the enthusiasm and skill of these women, who are committed to sharing the joy they have already found as Christians," says Ardis Stenbakken

Seventh-day Adventist women in west and central Africa, and other french-speaking regions of the continent, are spearheading an evangelistic effort that will involve an estimated 10,000 church groups.  Women will lead in the organization, preaching, and teaching of the series, which will run from October 1 to 28.

“We stand in awe of the enthusiasm and skill of these women, who are committed to sharing the joy they have already found as Christians,” says Ardis Stenbakken, director of women’s ministries for the Adventist Church worldwide.

Participants hope that from each of the 10,000 evangelistic sites there will be at least ten more people who will come to a realization of the love and assurance that only Christ can give, says Stenbakken. The event is funded in part by Global Mission, an initiative founded by the Adventist Church’s General Conference in 1990 with the goal of sharing Christianity in areas of the world which are predominantly non-Christian.

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