South American Division

With Motorcyclists, Fanfares, Drive-thru, and Online, Books Are Distributed in the West of São Paulo

Members delivered more than 260,000 copies of the book Esperança Além da Crise


Suellen Timm, with information from local contributors
[Photos Courtesy of the South American Division]

[Photos Courtesy of the South American Division]

Silvia Villegas has a small distributor of imported cosmetics and perfumes. At the height of the pandemic, with restrictions on church meetings and challenges to book delivery, she began to deliver hope to customers with the merchandise she marketed online. It didn't take long for the evaluation she received from clients in the marketplaces to show photos and reports of how the book Esperança Além da Crise (“Hope Beyond Crisis”) was important to them in such a difficult time.

Even though distribution in the vast region that comprises more than half the territory of São Paulo is carried out throughout the year, especially by Villegas, October 30 was marked by an intense distribution, totaling more than 260,000 copies delivered in the region.

In the streets of small towns and large cities that comprise the region, volunteers, Pathfinders, Adventurers, and young Calebs united to deliver hope. In Olímpia, the way to draw attention to the movement was with two fanfares from the city's Pathfinder clubs. In Ibitinga, members of the Adventist Motorcyclist Ministry (MAM) and drivers of accompanying cars announced the distribution. In Fernandópolis, the book was hung on each of the cars parked in the center of the city.

The distribution was also combined with solidarity actions. In Mirassolândia, around 80 kits with the book were delivered to the city’s Health Department. In Bauru, the Solidarity and Hope Pit Stop collected food donations and delivered a book as a gift to donors. In São Carlos, members also impacted homeless people. In Votuporanga, lunch boxes with the books were delivered to people in a socially vulnerable situation.

In Bauru and the Vila Virgínia region of Ribeirão Preto, the distribution was also linked to Quebrando o Silêncio, a project to combat abuse and violence. Municipalities without an Adventist presence, such as Santo Expedito and Cambaratiba, were also impacted. 


On Public Servant's Day, October 28, more than 100 public servants of Flórida Paulista were presented with Esperança Além da Crise and a special card congratulating them for the date. Some servers even asked for more books to deliver to their families.

In Olímpia, the trailblazers and leadership of the Adventist Church in the city delivered the book to Congressman Carlos Pignatari, president of the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo (Alesp) and, at the time, acting governor. The group also delivered copies to the mayor, Tourism Department, and Health Department and participated in the Chamber session, in which they delivered to councilors.

In Lins, the church leadership, accompanied by a group from the city's Adventist school, delivered the book to the Civil Police delegate, commander, and other superiors of the 37th Army Battalion. In Borborema, the mayor, municipal guard, and representatives of the Fire Department also received gifts.


The schools and Adventist colleges of the West Zone of São Paulo also participated in the distribution of books. Students, in addition to receiving a copy, also assisted in delivering the literature to neighbors at educational units and local businesses. In Fernandópolis, a solidarity drive-thru was also set up to deliver the book to the students' parents. In Ribeirão Preto, the students brought hope to the employees of the cemetery.

Authorities were also presented with gifts by students and educators. In Assis, the mayor, deputy mayor, secretaries, leaders of the Military Police, educational director and supervisors, assistant sectional delegate, and civil police were presented with gifts. The Education Boards in Araraquara, São Carlos, Tupã, and Votuporanga were also visited. In Fernandópolis, the impact was made at the Guardianship Council and the City Hall's Education Department.

The mayors of Presidente Prudente, São Carlos, and Tupã, in addition to military authorities, also received the book from the students and employees of the educational units. In Votuporanga, the school organized a large food collection. The first lady and other public authorities, who went to the school to seek the donation of food that will be sent to a socially vulnerable family, left the site with copies of the work.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site

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