Euro-Asia Division

Wellness rallies took place this summer in Crimea


Alexander Stepanenko, Crimea
[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

Wellness rallies are held in Crimea every summer and this year was no exception thanks to the efforts of Adventist enthusiasts promoting a healthy lifestyle. The village of Mezhvodnoye, in the northwest of Crimea, again opened its arms to those who seek to improve their health, recover spiritually and recharge emotionally. The wellness rallies were attended by at least forty people not belonging to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 

The wellness rallies last ten days and allow participants to be fully immersed in a healthy Christian lifestyle. They practice and learn about a healthy daily routine, proper nutrition, exercise, and water intake - this is the basis of the theory and practice of a joyful and fruitful life. The goal is that during this time everyone present will feel positive changes in their health.

Each event began with activities to determine the biological age of each vacationer and checking their lungs - volume and age. This approach showed people what they need to pay attention to and motivated them to participate in all planned activities.

Vegetarian cuisine was served and heartily received by the participants. Training and masterclasses in fitness and physical training were especially popular, while classes on the restoration of vision turned out to be very relevant. Spiritual topics, combined with knowledge in the field of art, aroused lively interest and discussions.

The second rally was attended by about half the number of participants as the first rally. At first, participants were a bit surprised and discouraged, but later found that it turned out to be a great blessing instead. After all, they were able to get to know better those who, like them, came to gain strength. 

The optimism of the healthy lifestyle instructor, the skill of the chef, the life experience and insight of the spiritual mentor, along with the depths of the parables of Jesus Christ, left a deep impression on the memory of all who attended.

For some people, the atmosphere surrounding them for these ten days was so amazing that they decided to come to the next rally as well! And such situations are becoming more common.

This article was originally published on the Euro-Asia Division’s news site

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