Volunteers honor capixabas who work with urban cleaning

South American Division

Volunteers honor capixabas who work with urban cleaning

In addition to the flowers and cards, young people dedicated a serenade on the morning of last Saturday (6), in the city of Colatina

Brazil | Leonardo Saimon

Recognition was the keynote of the action developed by volunteers, who distributed flowers to women from Espírito Santo who work with urban cleaning. Young people from the Colatina Central Adventist temple took advantage of Saturday (6th) to honor women in celebration of the International Day that will be celebrated this Monday (8th).

About 15 volunteers delivered 40 flowers to women who work as street sweepers or who work at the Colatinense Environmental Sanitation Service (Sanear). For the participants and organizers, the action, although modest, carries deep meanings.

“It was great to be with them and to be able to say how important they are and the difference they make, we also took the opportunity to thank them for their work and dedication”, recalls Ricardo Novais, one of the participants in the action.

SAD 48 Volunteers honor capixabas who work with urban cleaning
SAD 48 Volunteers honor capixabas who work with urban cleaning

Armed with all the precautions regarding hygiene, they also handed over a card with the words: “You take care of our city with such zeal and affection, today we want to pay tribute to you. Happy International Women's Day ”. Finally, the group dedicated a special serenade and a prayer.

“This is a group of professionals that can often go unnoticed. Warrior women who take care of the home, the family, and our city. They deserve our respect, admiration, and tribute ”, corroborates Werlen Gon, who also participated in the movement.

There, some women were on duty, but the institution has 27 employees working in this segment and will later receive from the hands of their managers the flowers left by the volunteers. The rest must be delivered to other professionals in other segments within the entity.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site