General Conference

Thousands pledge to put "God First" in commitment ceremony

Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Beth Thomas, ANN
9 HolyConvocationMexicoEditedforPosting

9 HolyConvocationMexicoEditedforPosting

Two regions of the Adventist World Church host simultaneous Holy Convocations

Thousands of Seventh-day Adventists recently pledged to put “God First” in a special commitment ceremony that capped week-long Holy Convocations held simultaneously in two different regions of the Adventist World Church.

A Holy Convocation is an intense week of training and discipleship sponsored by the Stewardship department of a specific union or territory. Pastors and stewardship leaders come together to focus on personal revival and encourage members’ spiritual growth. After morning training sessions, they visit church members in their homes, using a small card with a list of spiritual disciplines as a spring board for conversation. Each evening they preach a series of revival messages in area churches. The highlight of their experience is the Sabbath morning commitment ceremony. 

In Mexico City, Mexico, 223 pastors participated: 113 from the Central Mexican Union and 110 from other regions within the Inter-American Division. They, along with trained lay members, visited 3,377 families (nearly 8,000 members) in their homes. In Manado, Indonesia, 94 pastors from the Minahasa Conference joined in, visiting 1,187 families (roughly 3,423 members). 

Pastors and lay-leaders encouraged members in seven different areas: daily personal and family devotional time, improving relationships, establishing healthy habits, witnessing to others, keeping the Sabbath holy, and faithfully returning tithes and offerings. 

Marcos Bomfim, director of Stewardship Ministries for the World Church, says this is the ultimate goal of stewardship ministry. “Stewardship involves more than money. We are not here to work with money! Our main focus is revival and reformation and pastoral visitation is a key issue. This visitation program is fundamental to pastoral ministry and encouraging the spirituality of church members.” 

At the conclusion of the week, Sabbath, February 3, pastors and leaders rejoiced to witness more than 14,000 members from the two participating regions recommit their lives to the Lord, pledging to put Him first. 

For more information and to view Holy Convocation resources, please visit



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