Theme Chosen for 2005 World Church Session

Members of the church's executive committee, meeting at the world church headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, approved the theme April 19, saying it reflects one of the central messages of Adventism.

Silver Spring, Maryland, USA | Bettina Krause/ANN

Members of the church's executive committee, meeting at the world church headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, approved the theme April 19, saying it reflects one of the central messages of Adventism.

The theme of the 2005 World Church Session in St. Louis, Missouri, United States, will be “Transformed in Christ.”  Members of the church’s executive committee, meeting at the world church headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, approved the theme April 19, saying it reflects one of the central messages of Adventism.

The Adventist world session, held every five years, is the top international meeting of the 12 million-member Adventist Church. The 10-day event will begin June 29, 2005, and is expected to draw thousands of church members from around the world for worship and fellowship, as well as the opportunity to observe Adventist leadership at work. More than 2,000 delegates, representing every region, or “Division,” of the world church, meet at Session to review and vote on policy, and to elect church leaders.

The Web site for the 2005 world session was launched last year by the communication department of the Adventist Church world headquarters. The Web site, found at, provides preliminary information about the session, and features photos and information about the convention facilities and the host city.

The most recent session was held in 2000 in Toronto, Canada, and attracted some 70,000 visitors to Toronto’s SkyDome.