Talented musicians determined to bring Christmas cheer

South Pacific Division

Talented musicians determined to bring Christmas cheer

Australia | Maryellen Fairfax

Continuing a six-year annual tradition, the highly-anticipated Christmas concert SING NOEL is back this year despite COVID-19 restrictions, with the event transitioning online.

A collaboration between Wahroonga Seventh-day Adventist Church (New South Wales), Sydney Adventist Hospital, and Hope Channel, the concert is being pre-recorded and will be broadcast at 7 p.m. (AEDT) on December 12 and 13.

“We know how much joy carols bring and we are thrilled to be able to present these comforting songs in a different format this year, despite the challenges of recording amidst restrictions,” says event organizer and musical director Benjamin Milis.

The well-loved community event, which normally attracts more than 1,000 people to Wahroonga Church from the local community, will again feature soloists and instrumental music as it has in previous years.

Artists featured include Anna Weatherup, Jana Aveling, Cassie Wallace, Fomai Mohr, Marleta Fong, Jessica Blunt, and Andrew Goodwin.

“Most of us have sung carols since we were children,” says Mills. “Their familiarity and the memories associated with them unite us; their words and stirring melodies inspire us once again to reflect on our world’s greatest hope—Jesus. What a perfect time in our world to share this hope with friends and family through music.”

For more information and to watch SING NOEL from the comfort of your own home, please register at singnoel.com.au.

This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record