South Pacific Division

Students Baptized in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Jacqueline Wari
Devare Adventist High School was one of the schools that hosted evangelistic meetings. [Adventist Record]

Devare Adventist High School was one of the schools that hosted evangelistic meetings. [Adventist Record]

More than 50 students were baptized during evangelistic meetings held in Papua New Guinea Adventist schools on August 7–20.

From initial reports, 21 students were baptized at Devare Adventist High School in Bougainville, 20 at Mount Diamond Adventist Secondary School in Central Province, and 12 at the Ragiampun Adventist High School in Morobe.

Jethro Rabie, Papua New Guinea Union Mission (PNGUM) associate education director, said, “We praise God for these souls. We are yet to receive a full report from the education directors from each local mission and conference to confirm our final figures.”

Rabie visited schools in Bougainville to observe the meetings and also preached during the divine service at Devare. He visited Nulendi, Barava, Itai, and Periove Adventist primary schools and Hoakop elementary school.

Preachers presented sermons on the Adventist Church’s 28 fundamental beliefs in Adventist primary and secondary schools and tertiary institutions.

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