Special week emphasizes trust in God as a natural remedy

Messages will be transmitted by radio, TV and internet [Photo Courtesy of the South American Division]

South American Division

Special week emphasizes trust in God as a natural remedy

Teru Gouveia and pastor Carlos Campitelli will present multiplatform content that invites audiences to transform their lives

Brazil | Jota Terres

Unnoticed by the vast majority of humanity, the eight natural remedies are present in the daily lives of all people. Whether drinking water to quench your thirst or having a good night's rest, these remedies have been widely advocated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church for more than a century. However, more than ever, they have become fundamental in the current pandemic scenario in which our global society now finds itself.

Thinking of taking these natural remedies to even more people, the Novo Tempo de Comunicação Network held a special week (September 20-26) in which the viewer, listener, and Internet user were given access to exclusive content about the eight natural remedies with focus on trust in God.

Health and hope on TV and Radio

During the seven days of programming, Teru Gouveia, presenter of Vida e Saúde, was in charge of the program “The Greatest Hope: Prepare for a New Life,” on TV Novo Tempo. Each day at 10 p.m. she presented an element of the eight natural remedies with information and experimental challenges.

According to Gouveia, “God's remedies are simple. Whoever accepts them will not only be learning new health information, but will also see transformations happening in their life as a whole.”

The program also featured a message from pastor Carlos Campitelli, youth director of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for South America. Each day, he introduced a different biblical character. From the teachings of Hosea to Abraham, the intention was to show that "all remedies are important, but trust in God is essential and must be practiced and experienced at all times."

Listeners at Rádio Novo Tempo also had the company of Gouveia and Campitelli live for half an hour on two of the days, interviewing special guests and explaining in more detail the aspects of the eight remedies. In addition, the message broadcast on TV was broadcast live by 18 radio stations for the entire week.

Exclusive content on the internet

For Internet users, healthy challenges were posted on Gouveia's Telegram group, where users were granted access to subjects related to the eight natural remedies.

For Wagner Cantori, general producer of the programming and the content director of Rede Novo Tempo, “the greatest hope needs to be shared intensely in order to hasten the return of Christ.” 

Cantori says that Novo Tempo employees "were excited for this special week and were hopeful from the very beginning that the Bible would reach many in these days."


Special Week - The Biggest Hope: Get Ready for a New Life

Where: TV Novo Tempo, Rádio Novo Tempo and on the Facebook pages of @tvnovotempo @radiont and @adventistasbrasiloficial, on Telegram and also on the official YouTube channels of Novo Tempo and of Adventists Brazil

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site