South American Division

Since Eight Years Old, Teen Missionary Leads Bible Studies and Brings Friends to Jesus

Joshua wants to share the message of salvation. His friend Leandro was baptized on Sabbath, September 17, and Joshua gave him a Pathfinder cap, emphasizing that he will now be a Pathfinder for heaven.

Thais Suarez
Joshua handing over the Pathfinder cap at Leandro's baptism (Photo: ANoP)

Joshua handing over the Pathfinder cap at Leandro's baptism (Photo: ANoP)

During the pandemic in 2020, a pastoral couple gave Bible studies to their non-Adventist friends and family through Zoom. With this example, their eldest son, Joshua, decided to imitate this action with his young friends.


His parents decided to support and prepare him. Joshua, who lives in Peru, began to offer Bible lessons, and as a result, four of his friends decided to be baptized. This was the beginning of his evangelistic adventure.


This year, Joshua met Leandro, who began attending church activities with his mother. Joshua told his mother he wanted to invite him into his home and give him Bible studies.


Joshua and Leandro studying the “I Believe” lesson. (Photo: Emelina Ruiz)
Joshua and Leandro studying the “I Believe” lesson. (Photo: Emelina Ruiz)

Leandro accepted the invitation. At the end of the last "I Believe" lesson, Joshua said to his friend, "Do you accept Jesus in your heart? Would you like to surrender your life through baptism?" And he did! Joshua told Leandro his name would be in the book of life.


"I am happy that Joshua has had the desire to preach from a very young age, and as he develops each lesson, he lives it with passion," says Emelina, Joshua's mother.


At the age of eight, Joshua began his evangelistic journey. Now, at the age of eleven, he knows what his goal is: saving from sin and leading in service. His friend Leandro was baptized on Sabbath, September 17, and Joshua gave him a hat from the Pathfinder club, emphasizing that he will now be a pioneer for heaven.

Pastor Arcene, father of Joshua, and Leandro. (Photo: ANoP)
Pastor Arcene, father of Joshua, and Leandro. (Photo: ANoP)

This article was originally posted on the South American Division website.

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