Euro-Asia Division

Quiz on the biblical book of Acts of the Apostles was successfully held in Yerevan

Yerevan, Armenia
Zaven Gabrielyan
45Quiz on the biblical book of Acts of the Apostles was successfully held in Yerevan

45Quiz on the biblical book of Acts of the Apostles was successfully held in Yerevan

For three months young Adventists from the Shengavit community in Yerevan, Armenia, and the surrounding territories, studied the book of Acts. On April 1, the first Bible competition on the subject was organized and held at the Shengavit Adventist church.

Three teams were formed. Questions were on different topics: numbers, names, terrains and doctrines. All the teams showed excellent knowledge of all the topics, especially on matters of doctrine. However, the team of Gavar was particularly knowledgeable and became the winner. They were awarded a cake in the form of the Bible.

For the next Bible study, they will look at the book of Judges. At the end of the quarter, the next quiz will be organized, with the involvement of more communities from different cities.

How important it is now, when values ​​are blurred, to explore the Scriptures? Especially the younger generation. This is a divine power, capable of making changes and bringing meaning to a person’s life.



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