Project "Total Health" seeks to combat anemia and family violence

SAD 152 Project _Total Health_ seeks to combat anemia and family violence

South American Division

Project "Total Health" seeks to combat anemia and family violence

The project is executed by the students of the professional careers of Nursing, Human Nutrition, and Psychology of the Universidad Peruana Unión.

Lima, Peru | Universidad Peruana Unión

The Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Peruana Unión will restart the activities of the comprehensive health project called "Total Health", for the benefit of the community of Sinchicuy, Iquitos, city of Peru.

This project is executed by the students of the professional careers of nursing, human nutrition and psychology. Students begin the community internship phase together with the participation,n of strategic allies such as Centura Health, Ana Stahl Clinic and the Regional Health Directorate together with the community. The program launched on September 1.

Training in health promotion and healthy lifestyles will be held at the site. The projects will be focused on fighting anemia and family violence. Likewise, activities will be carried out to care for nature; as well as educate the local children in values.

These activities will be developed through various strategies, which will be monitored by the Sinchicuy community staff and by the teachers remotely.

Dr. Roger Albornoz, dean of the medical school of the Universidad Peruana Unión, said through this work the students learn to interact with the community, understanding its culture in a framework of experiential and interdisciplinary learning: "We believe that this form of learning reinforces primary health care as an important element to promote health.”

Although the comprehensive project "Total Health" began its activities in 2019, it had to suspend these with the arrival of the pandemic.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Spanish site