Papua New Guinea school celebrates 19 baptisms

South Pacific Division

Papua New Guinea school celebrates 19 baptisms

Papua New Guinea | Record Staff

Boliu Adventist High School, in Papua New Guinea, started off the third term by hosting a one-week revival series, which concluded with the baptism of 17 students and two teachers.

New Ireland New Britain Mission president Pastor Danny Philip ran the series of meetings on the theme “In Christ, We Prosper”. He placed specific emphasis on students and staff living a transformed life in preparation for Jesus’ soon return.

Other speakers included Mission education director Richard Waikite, health director Greg Abel and the area supervisor Pastor Richard Koroi.

The school’s deputy principal and the head girl were among those baptized. A further 27 students made a commitment to be baptized in October.

School principal Raymon Imona expressed his gratitude to the 19 souls “for making a bold decision to become Christ’s disciple-makers”. He shed tears while addressing the students, urging them to continue submitting to the Lord.

This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record