“Tell the World” was the theme of the 13th ASI (Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries) General Session and Convention of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD), which was held on September 22–25, 2022. The NSD ASI is a group of Adventist laymen in the NSD territory who are gathered to share Christ in their respective working environments and financially support church missions. The purpose of the General Session is primarily to elect its leaders who will lead the coming session of three years and motivate the ASI members to more actively participate in this ministry.
Postponed Session
More than two years of pandemic has changed our lives in many areas. ASI was not an exception. The 12th NSD ASI Session was held in 2017 in Thailand, and the next session was supposed to be held in 2020 since the term is three years. However, it had been postponed by two years, and finally, we were able to hold it last month. The Philippines was chosen as a host country for the convention since the country was the least restricted in terms of COVID preventive measures, so the delegates from the NSD countries could easily enter to attend the meeting.
Reduced Congregation Caused by COVID-19
NSD ASI leaders were not sure if we could hold the session this year for two reasons: 1) COVID-19 has not finished completely yet; and 2) the ASI chapters of the NSD countries have been reduced for the last two years. However, by the grace of God, more than 50 members were gathered at the Seventh-day Adventist Language Center in the Philippines. Five delegates came from Mongolia, and the others were from Korea. Some delegates from Japan and Taiwan planned to participate online, but it did not go as planned. Though this session was a relatively smaller meeting compared to the previous one, it was still by God’s grace that the participating delegates were able to be revived and remotivated by various programs and activities.
Lectured by Kenneth Swansi and Kim YoHan
The two main speakers for the convention were Dr. Kenneth Swansi, dean of the Graduated School of AIIAS and chairperson of the Business Department, and Dr. Kim YoHan, NSD president. Dr. Swansi spoke about how Adventist business people need to influence people who are engaged in their businesses. He also emphasized the stewardship that will make ASI members prioritize God in their lives. Dr. Kim expressed a sincere appreciation to the ASI leaders and members for their dedication to God’s mission. He said the lay leaders are investing their precious time and resources into this association without anticipating any rewards. He also emphasized the importance of the role of the lay members for the progress of God’s mission, especially the ASI’s role in church ministries.

ASI Officers and Leaders Reelected
Elder Song JongHyun, the current NSD ASI president, was reelected, as recommended by the nominating committee after a long discussion, and the constituency body accepted the committee’s recommendation. Elder Song recommended again all the other officers and directors, as well as the whole team of auditors, to be reelected. He explained that he humbly accepted the decision of the body, though he felt burdened since he considered this was a call from God asking him to make up the lost two years. All the leaders also accepted the decision in the spirit of obedience.
Standing on the Starting Line
This NSD ASI General Session has the meaning of standing on the starting line of the race and going further. ASI leaders and all participating members reaffirmed the special mission that God has given to them and encouraged each other to do their best to complete the great commission of Jesus Christ. All ASI members who attended the convention were likely to be ready to answer the call of God by saying, “Lord! Here we are. We will go.” Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha!
The original article was published on the Northern Asia-Pacific Division website.