General Conference

New mission textbook launches at fall Annual Council

Battle Creek, Michigan, United States

Beth Thomas, ANN
45 ANN Missions Textbook

45 ANN Missions Textbook

Brent Hardinge

Institute of World Mission partners with Adventist Theological Seminary to produce manual

A new Adventist missions textbook is now available, thanks to the results of a study the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR) for the Adventist Church performed just a few years ago. The textbook was revealed onstage during the Sunday morning business session at the Fall Annual Council in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Institute of World Mission (IWM) director Cheryl Doss related that according to the ASTR study, very few universities have mission classes or class resources. The IWM team was tasked with creating a missions textbook for schools, or anyone, for that matter, who is interested in learning more about mission work. They partnered with the Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University to produce the manual. 

Jiří Moskala, dean of the Seminary, enthusiastically presented Introduction to Adventist Mission—the very first textbook for Adventist mission, written over a three-year period by seminary professor Gorden R. Doss. Moskala shared, “Let me assure you, this textbook is thoroughly Adventist; it gives a very thorough introduction to various topics, including a historical section. The main thought is that God is actually the Missionary. He was the first Missionary and He wants to bring everybody to Himself. So we need to participate, collaborate with Him in His mission.”

Chair of the World Mission Department at the Seminary Wagner Kuhn shared more about the process. “As the task came to us to produce a book on mission, the Department of World Mission decided that Gorden Doss would be the one to write. Dr. Doss has been a missionary for many years—close to 20 years in Africa—and has taught at the Theological Seminary for 20 years this year. He, holding a Doctor of Ministry degree and a PhD in Missiology, was chosen by our department to write this book and we are very thankful for him. He dedicated a lot of time and turned down many invitations to speak to produce, finalize and conclude this project.” 

Kuhn then presented Church officers with a gift copy of the book and invited Ted N C Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, to pray, dedicating the manual. Wilson said, “This will be a great opportunity for people to truly and fully understand the real implications of mission to the world.”

Introduction to Adventist Missionis available on in either print or e-book format. 






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