New church plants reach the secular community in New Caledonia

[Photo Courtesy of Adventist Record]

South Pacific Division

New church plants reach the secular community in New Caledonia

Tomo, New Caledonia | Maryellen Fairfax

Tomo village in southern New Caledonia, previously a difficult-to-reach mission field, is now a thriving spiritual community thanks to the efforts of Adventists planting two churches in the region.

“Our vision for church planting is not about extracting people out of their social network in order to bring them to a church that is in a building,” said Tomo village pastor Hatsarmaveth Venkaya. “[We want] to generate a movement [and] create a spiritual community (church) within the existing social networks.”

With a missionary training program beginning in 2018, the vision for the region was to train lay leaders and local church elders to take on church leadership.

“[We wanted] local leaders who would become church planters in their own settings,” said Pastor Venkaya. “The mission would no longer revolve solely around pastors, but pastors would instead play the role of influencers and equippers in order to raise lay leaders having the DNA and passion for mission.”

Being a highly secular region of New Caledonia, other groups failed to start successful ministries. Nevertheless, a retired Adventist couple didn’t let that deter them. Moving to the area in 2018, they made connections in the community and started a small prayer meeting group in 2019. A church pastor was then introduced to the group and by the end of November, there were 14 non-Adventists attending prayer meetings and nearly 50 people attending the group’s social gatherings.

“During that [social] gathering, a lady offered her house in another village near the airport,” said Pastor Venkaya. “She wanted her family and neighbors to experience the same blessings. That’s how our second church plant started at the beginning of 2020.”

At prayer and small group meetings every Tuesday night, topics covered include restoring God’s image, restoring relationships with God, and addressing core issues that break down relationships with self and others. Each meeting, the groups spend 30 minutes singing accompanied by testimonies and prayers, before studying the Bible for 40 minutes and then breaking into small groups for discovery Bible reading.

“The elders had the opportunity to observe the pastor for a period of six months, particularly how he led the Bible studies,” Pastor Venkaya said. “The church plant served as a lab to train the elders who knew that they would soon take full charge of the group. We made sure that the core group comprising our church members did not exceed one-third of the church plant.”

Although COVID-19 dampened enthusiasm and progress within the church plants, once restrictions were lifted, numbers began to increase. At present, there are 14 regular non-Adventists and around 20 interests that attend the group every week. Currently, the groups are wholly under the care of church elders and lay members, giving their money and time for God’s cause.

This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record