Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Mongolia Mission: 2022 Year-End Meetings


[Credit - NSD]

[Credit - NSD]

On November 24, 2022, Mongolia Mission (MM) held its year-end and constituency meetings at Suut Resort. Seventy-two attendees arrived, with delegates from the rural churches as well as representatives from all the local churches in Ulaanbaatar, the nation’s capital. Morning devotion was given by Hiroshi Yamaji, executive secretary of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD). His inspiring message opened the meetings on a strong spiritual note.

Before starting the meeting, Pastor Han SukHee, MM president, shared the seven biblical meanings of the constituency meeting based on Acts 15 and looked at why they held this meeting and what the mindset should be. The following is a summary of the seven meanings of the meeting: 1) togetherness of pastors and lay members, 2) topics and conversation focusing on soul-winning, 3) reporting God’s works, 4) choosing leaders, 5) spirit of agreement and support in unity, 6) teaching and preaching God’s Word, 7) encouraging and strengthening the believers and churches.

[Credit - NSD]
[Credit - NSD]

The morning business session began with SukHee giving the president’s report and Pastor Nyamdavaa Dovchinsuren giving the executive secretary’s report. Attendees were then divided into two groups to select the members of the nominating committee, who then separated from the main body. Department reports were presented by each respective department director, with some reports generating active discussion from attendees. In the afternoon session, the remaining department and institution reports were presented.

Before the evening devotion, shared by Joel Tompkins, NSD treasurer, the nominating committee returned to share the names of the newly appointed department leaders. Adiyakhuu Oktiyabri, the new MM executive secretary, and Kim YoungShik, the new treasurer, were selected at the NSD year-end meetings on November 3, 2022. 

The incoming Mongolia Mission leaders are as follows:

  • President: Han SukHee

  • Executive Secretary: Adiyakhuu Oktiyabri

  • Treasurer: Kim YoungShik

  • Ministerial/Adventist Mission/Chaplaincy: Bold Batsukh 

  • Sabbath School and Personal Ministries/Theology School: Nyamka 

  • Education: Joanne Kim

  • Publishing/Public Affairs and Religious Liberty/Spirit of Prophecy: Adiyakhuu Oktiyabri

  • Women/Family/Children: Oyuntuya Batsukh

  • Youth/Public Campus Ministries/HisHands Mission Movement: Od

  • Communication/IT/Media Center: Gan-Erdene Ganbaatar

  • Health/Shepherdess/Adventist Possibility Ministries/Community Service: Chun EunKyung

  • Stewardship: Kim YoungShik

The original version of this story was posted on the Northern-Asia Pacific Division website.

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