On February 13, 2022, the long-awaited meeting of the youth cafe at the Almaty Seventh-day Adventist Church took place. Teenagers, youth, and their friends were invited to the meeting.
A festively decorated stage, beautifully decorated tables, singing of musicians, refreshments, and most importantly, a friendly atmosphere all made attendees feel free and at ease, combining business with pleasure—relaxation, communication, and new knowledge.
The speakers of the cafe, Arman and Elena Tokarov, prepared and conducted a hot topic on the eve of the holiday that people around the world call "Valentine's Day".
![[Photo Courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]](https://images.hopeplatform.org/resize/L3c6MTkyMCxxOjc1L2hvcGUtaW1hZ2VzLzY1ZTcxMzAxZjY1NTI4MWE1MzhlZDM3My9KN1QxNzEzODgxODk3OTE2LmpwZw/w:1920,q:75/hope-images/65e71301f655281a538ed373/J7T1713881897916.jpg)
The emphasis of the meeting was not on the frivolous, fleeting feelings of adolescent males. The deep topic “Love in spite of” was discussed, and this will help the youth to have a true idea of the reality of relationships between a guy and a girl, which later develops into a relationship between spouses. The purpose of the meeting was to transfer knowledge so young people and teenagers do not build relationships on illusions but have sobriety and clarity of mind—not on dreamy expectations of a “soulmate” but on the ability to correctly assess a companion and build relationships with understanding, referring, of course, to the approval of God and His law.
Based on the feelings of the younger generation, the chosen topic was about the basic needs of a man and a woman as God's creations, different in their constitution and psychology in general, as well as their emotional needs. The relevance of the topic is the creation of harmonious and happy families in the future according to God's plan.
Among those present were young people of all ages, from teenagers to married couples. However, this did not in the least interfere with the perception of the topic—no embarrassment, antics, or laughter, but an expression of attentive eyes, interest, and patience. Everyone present listened to the information to the end. This testifies to the relevance of this topic and its importance even to those who, it would seem, are still quite young.
Our family church duty is to teach and uphold the timely, vital foundations of biblical teaching to and for the younger generation in order to protect them from many mistakes, temptations, and attacks of the evil one and help them choose the Truth (Jesus) among the many falsehoods in this world.
May the Lord bless the young to hold on to the Truth and the church with His strong families!
This article was originally published on the Euro-Asia Division’s news site