Northern Asia-Pacific Division

I Will Go: Be His Witness—A Report on NSD 2022 Year-End Meetings

South Korea

Kim HyunMin (Ryno)


On November 3–7, 2022, the Year-End Meetings of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) took place at the NSD Mission Headquarters, located in Paju, South Korea. It was a special year-end in many aspects, but most of all, it was the first one ever held in the Paju NSD building. Also, it was meaningful since the meetings were held onsite rather than via Zoom. There was excitement in the air as leaders from various parts of the world gathered and enjoyed fellowship, worship, reports from organizations and institutions, and business sessions.

Pre-meetings were held prior to the year-end for two days on November 1–2. During this time, officers’ councils and department/institution interviews were conducted with leaders from the Japan Union Conference (JUC), Korean Union Conference (KUC), Taiwan Conference (TWC), and Mongolia Mission (MM). It was a great opportunity for the department directors to meet face to face with the officers of four organizations.

Including two leaders from the General Conference (Audrey Andersson, GC vice president, and Brent Burdick, GC assistant to the treasurer), 42 delegates and 25 invitees were present. What was more special was that directors from KUC and theology students from Sahmyook University participated as observers. Despite the COVID-19 situation, God had worked many miracles to allow almost all those who were invited to join the 2022 NSD Year-End Meetings.

Mission Refocus

“Mission Refocus” was the keyword all throughout the Year-End Meetings of NSD this year. From beginning to end, all programs and testimonies were geared towards mission refocus. The whole morning of the first day of meetings was designated for a theme-based program with testimonies and music from JUC, KUC, TWC, and MM. A special prayer meeting was also held for North Korea, and it reminded the participants that representation of one flag was missing in the auditorium. Mission refocus brought together a sense of urgency and importance in carrying out NSD’s mission: “Evangelism, the very heart of Christianity, is the theme of primary importance … the Advent message … must swell to a loud cry reaching the uttermost parts of the earth” (Ellen White, Evangelism, p. 5).

Morning Worship

Every morning was a blessing as participants started the day with worship. Special items from JUC, KUC, TWC, and MM brought joy and thankfulness to all. The messages were prepared by Kim SunHwan, Hiroshi Yamaji, Kim YoHan, Ginger Ketting-Weller, Audrey Andersson, and Brent Burdick. Each day was special, but it was truly a great blessing that all the messages were connected, challenged the participants to be one in carrying out God’s work, and most of all, led to the love of Christ.

Business Session
In addition to the reports by NSD officers, organizations, and institutions, there were some agendas that were voted on during the GC Session and Annual Council. Among them were “Resolution on the Holy Bible,” “Statement of Confidence in the Writings of Ellen G White,” and “God’s Promised Gift: An Urgent Appeal for Revival, Reformation, Discipleship, and Evangelism.” These statements were voted to accept and share with unions, conferences/missions, and institutions. Also, amendments of the General Conference Constitution and Bylaws were introduced by Hiroshi Yamaji, NSD executive secretary, and amendments of the Church Manual were presented by Kim HyunMin, NSD associate secretary.

Nominating Committee

There were some nominations during these year-end meetings. The Nominating Committee voted to recommend Kim TaeSeung to the GC Executive Committee to serve as the NSD treasurer. Edgard Leonel Luz was voted to serve as the NSD Education director. The officers of Mongolia Mission were voted to serve for the next three years: Han SukHee for president, Adiyakhuu Oktyabri for secretary, and Kim YoungSik for treasurer.

Special Events

On top of hosting the first meeting at the Paju NSD Mission Headquarters, various special activities and events were prepared for the delegates. A prayer room was set up just outside the auditorium and open to anyone at any time to pray for three specific areas: Healing Prayer, Salt and Light Prayer, and Seed Prayer. Also, a profile picture booth was set up in the media center, and a health checkup station was set up in the library. The participants enjoyed taking professional profile pictures and getting health checkups. 

On Sabbath morning, dedication services for five Pioneer Mission Movement (PMM) missionaries and a Public Campus Ministries missionary were held. It was a momentous time, since PMM commemorated its 20th anniversary this year. On Sabbath afternoon, the delegates visited institutions such as Adventist Language School, Sahmyook Seoul Hospital, and Sahmyook Health University. They spent time listening to mission reports and dedicating a special prayer time for each respective institution.

NK Mission

There were five flags printed on the huge banner of the year-end meetings. Sadly, representation from one flag was not present onsite. We all knew who they were: our brothers and sisters from North Korea. Therefore, on Sunday afternoon, November 6, the EXCOM members and invitees had a unique opportunity to have a glimpse into the special mission field in the NSD territory. Separated by a river and more than a half-century-long ceasefire are South Korea and North Korea. At the narrowest point, less than a 500-meter (approx. 0.3-mile) gap stands between the two. 

Yet, the longing for reunion with loved ones and yearning to visit their hometown continue. There were quite a few paintings of churches in North Korea in Odusan Observatory, which leads us to hope that despite the long period of darkness, the flame of the gospel has survived. It is our hope and prayer that the doors will open soon and, when they do, we will be ready to share the eternal hope with our brethren in the north.

Missio Dei

Oftentimes, we think mission is an activity to revive the church. However, mission is the result of God’s love for humanity and desire for restoration. It is God’s mission, and He has chosen us to join Him in this journey. Through the seven-day meetings, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division has made a resolution to put God’s mission first and also refocus on it. 

Of course, we cannot do it alone. We praise the Lord for providing the wisdom and guidance of the General Conference leadership. We are excited to partner with JUC, KUC, TWC, MM, and many institutions in the NSD territory. Most of all, NSD officers, directors, and supporting staff are “Together in Mission.” May God receive all the glory as we thrive to finish the work!

The original article was published on the Northern-Asia Pacific Division website.

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