Hungarian members challenged, called and chosen at mission camp meeting

Trans-European Division

Hungarian members challenged, called and chosen at mission camp meeting

Balaton Hungary | Kis István

Hungarian Adventists feel blessed to own and operate a campsite on the shores of beutiful Lake Balaton, a holiday resort some 90 minutes south-west of the capital, Budapest. While often busy with camps for youth and children, a summer highlight is mission camp meeting, held this year, 6-11 August.

While the week is filled with fun and fellowship, the greatest impact comes from meeting up with dedicated Christians. That dedication was clearly in evidence as they met in the campsite chapel for morning and evening plenary sessions with Jonas and Raquel Arrais, Associate directors for the Ministerial Association and Women’s Ministries, respectively at Seventh-day Adventist World Church Headquarters in Washington DC.

The dynamic duo shared sermons that focused on deep spiritual issues and challenged personal calls to service. A 2019 World Church focus is ’the year of the elder’, so Jonas then focused on leadership issues for the elders and pastors during workshop periods. Meanwhile Raquel hosted training sessions for those interested in Women’s Ministries.

In addition, Family and Youth Ministries ran meaningful program focused on generational needs. Each morning, the story of Joseph was brought to life for the children as leaders, dressed as biblical characters in period costumes, both acted out the story and shared appropriate applications for their lives today.

 Early risers could also take part in physical exercises and prayer fellowship. Prayer was also encouraged throughout the day with a special prayer room organized by Women’s Ministries department.

 Recognizing a real need in our churches, the Sabbath School and Youth departments worked together to actively demonstrate how to revive and make Bible study sessions enjoyable again.

This became a big emphasis during the Sabbath afternoon program.

Finally, in an act of joyful unity, the camp closed with a special supper down by the lake shore.


For more activities from Lake Balaton read:
Hungarian Pastors spend 3 days enhancing media skills. (Includes video of the campsite)
2014 Festival of the Laity

This article was originally published on the Trans-European Division’s news site