Growing in Christ will help in the spiritual development of new members

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South American Division

Growing in Christ will help in the spiritual development of new members

Initiative focuses on consolidating Christian life habits

Brasilia, Brazil | Jefferson Paradello

The Bible draws on several illustrations extracted from nature to exemplify the process of spiritual growth of human beings. In her book Steps to Christ, writer Ellen White devotes a chapter to specifically address the subject and makes use of the same resource. She records it on page 67: "Like the good seed planted in the field, [those who were converted to Christ] must grow and bear fruit."

But to reach this stage, it is necessary to go through a series of stages. After understanding the depth of Jesus' love and accepting it publicly through baptism, new members who join the Adventist Church still have several lessons to learn. And it is to help them along this path that the Christian Stewardship Department created the “Crescendo em Cristo” course.

Divided into seven weeks, it was designed to give daily support to the walk of those who are discovering the details of a new life. The material consists of a guide that must be studied daily and deals with macro themes such as Adventist identity, Christian testimony and the use of tithes and offerings, for example, in a didactic way.

"We want them to know more about biblical truth and develop habits to seek Jesus, such as permanent fellowship through prayer," explains Pastor Josanan Alves, director of the Adventist Church's Christian Stewardship Department for eight South American countries. The content of the course is authored by professors of theology and other specialists.

Similar to a study guide, it brings texts for analysis, biblical verses to deepen each of the themes, questions that must be answered by readers, as well as practical activities to boost spiritual development. Available in print and digital format, at the end of each week the manual directs the person to the website, which contains videos and other resources.

The goal is that when new members receive the baptism kit containing a Bible and other tools, they also take home the Growing in Christ manual.

“The principles learned during this period will help them to know more about these truths and to live them,” stresses Alves. The proposal, also, is that the student develops communion with God, relationships with other believers, and gets involved in the mission of sharing with others what they have learned.

Although aimed at a specific audience, the material is not exclusive; it can be accompanied by those who are already familiar with some topics and would like to know more about the Christian life and issues such as the history of the Adventist Church, how to do family worship, and how to use gifts in the church, among others. See details at

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site