Commencing January 5, thousands of Seventh-day Adventists from around the globe are starting 2022 with a strong spiritual focus, by gathering for the Church’s annual 10 Days of Prayer event to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
This year’s focus is the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14, with daily readings written by Pastor Mark Finley available to download in multiple languages to help guide groups through important concepts and spiritual lessons.
“The 10 Days of Prayer materials are designed to lead the small group into very specific and intentional prayer time where the majority of the time together is actually spent in united prayer and less in reading or discussion,” explains ministerial association communication manager, Jonathan Walter. “Over the years we have received incredible reports of miracles, healings, revival, mission, conversions, and more as a result of the 10 Days of Prayer.”
When asked about the purpose of this years’ theme, Walter explains that many Adventists struggle to understand how the three angels’ messages relate to them personally.
“Often in the preaching of the three angels’ messages, the beasts and certain end-time events are emphasized, and not so much how the messages relate to one’s own relationship with Jesus,” he says. “Rightfully understood, [they] lead us to surrender/a righteousness by faith experience. By praying the three angels’ messages, we hope to help participants see that reality.”
Recognizing that it is difficult for groups to gather in many parts of the world due to COVID-19 dangers and restrictions, Pastor Walter encourages Adventists to still participate by gathering in their family or household groups, online via Zoom, or even just by themselves.
“We have partnered with the 247United Prayer ministry to offer an online space for people in every time zone,” he explains. “But of course, local churches and groups are free to organize their own gathering.”
Following the ten-day event, the global church is once again starting their Believe His Prophets Bible Reading Plan, starting with Genesis 1 on January 14.
“This just happens to be the 10th day of prayer, so one can start the year right with prayer and an intentional reading of the Word,” says Walter.
Developed by the Revival and Reformation initiative of the world Church, which also coordinates the 10 Days of Prayer event, the Bible reading plan goes through one chapter of the Bible per day, and one chapter from the Spirit of Prophecy each week. The reading plan goes for approximately 3.25 years, before starting from the beginning again.
“A lot of people say ‘I want to read the Bible every day but I don’t know how to do it,’” Walter said in an interview with ANN. “This is a great way to do it, knowing that hundreds of thousands—if not millions—around the world are joining you on that journey.”
To join the Believe His Prophets Bible Reading Plan, you can sign up to receive the daily readings via email, read them on the website, or print them out and read analog. The content is available in English, Spanish and French, but other languages are available through local Division and Union websites.
“Since it’s a blessing to do things united with our brothers and sisters around the world, we have a forum integrated on our website where people can share comments and prayer requests under each chapter. The bible chapters can also be engaged with through our social media outlets,” says Walter.
To join the 10 Days of Prayer, download the resources at To sign up for the Believe His Prophets Bible Reading Plan, visit You can also follow along with the daily readings via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.