South American Division

First “New Time Space” Inaugurated in Peru

With a new identity for the Bible classes in each Adventist church for Bible students, Nuevo Tiempo Peru launched the project "Creation of 100 New Time Spaces" in the country.


Rosmery Sánchez
Members of the "Zárate" Adventist Church belonging to the Central Eastern Peruvian Association. [Photo: Nuevo Tiempo Peru]

Members of the "Zárate" Adventist Church belonging to the Central Eastern Peruvian Association. [Photo: Nuevo Tiempo Peru]

Nuevo Tiempo Peru launched the project "Creation of 100 New Time Spaces" in the country, with a new identity of the Bible classes in each Adventist church.

However, it is not only the name change but the identity and uniqueness that will characterize these new exclusive environments for people who come to the Adventist Church through the invitation made by radio or TV Nuevo Tiempo.

From the painting of the walls, the chairs, the location of the logo, the blackboard, and the television, it has been designed to identify the listener or viewer with Nuevo Tiempo. In addition, in these spaces, attendees will develop the exclusive Bible courses offered by Nuevo Tiempo radio, television, and social networks.

"Previously, people have come to the church, invited by Nuevo Tiempo, and were looking for the materials they offer, but with this place, they will feel like family," says Pastor Alexander Vizconde, leader of the Adventist Church "Zárate", the place where this first "New Time Space" was established.

“Espacio Nuevo Tiempo is an NT Bible School in the local church, and our goal is to create 100 of them in Peru,” says Pastor Anthony Araujo, director of Escuela Bíblica Nuevo Tiempo Peru.

This first New Time Space will come into operation in 2022, when there is greater flexibility to attend an Adventist church in person.

This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Spanish site 

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