South American Division

Evangelistic Campaign in Chile Gathers Thousands of In-Person and Online Participants

The sermons addressed the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 and the urgent call to prepare for the time of the end.

Emilia Gómez, South American Division, and ANN Staff
Pastor Alberto Silva, evangelist of the Chilean Union, was the preacher of the week "The Last Call", inspired by the message of the three angels.

Pastor Alberto Silva, evangelist of the Chilean Union, was the preacher of the week "The Last Call", inspired by the message of the three angels.

(Photo: MCCh Communications)

From June 8 to 15, 2024, Adventists in Chile held a national evangelistic campaign broadcast by Nuevo Tiempo, the Spanish Adventist television and radio channel, for all of South America entitled “The Last Call." The event was held in the Talca Central Adventist Church in Chile. The event, led by Alberto Silva, a pastor from the Chilean Union, brought together 1,600 in-person attendees and more than 5,000 online connections, marking a notable success in the dissemination of the three angels' messages.

Martín Pineda, a young baptismal candidate who was baptized during this campaign, expressed excitedly: “I dreamed of being baptized in this church.” Likewise, Maximiliano Pineda shared his experience: “I felt that Jesus called me.”

Every night, new lives were given to God through baptism.
Every night, new lives were given to God through baptism.

Every night, attendees visited the church to hear the messages and thus learn more about Jesus. Patricio Olivares, director of Nuevo Tiempo Chile, highlighted the importance of the media in mission: “One of the most important things as a means of the church is to preach the gospel. Our mission is evangelism, which is why the media, radio, television, and social networks exist.”

Through radio, TV and social networks, Nuevo Tiempo Chile has reached many people with the message of the gospel of Christ.
Through radio, TV and social networks, Nuevo Tiempo Chile has reached many people with the message of the gospel of Christ.

Baptisms and Bible Courses

During the campaign week, there were 12 requests for baptism and 100 registrations for Bible courses. David Soto, president of the Central Mission of Chile, said, “The objective is to allow, in these challenging times, people to know the truth. “This is a week of a unified campaign, from the Talca epicenter to all fields,” he added.

Silva emphasized the relevance of the three angels' messages, stating, “It is important to preach this message because it was what Jesus asked of his church in the end time. I encourage the entire church to share this message with all your friends, acquaintances, and family.”

Each night moving stories were shared of different friends and visitors who felt God's call and chose to give their lives to the Savior.

The campaign registered 80 baptisms and 12 requests for baptism through social networks.
The campaign registered 80 baptisms and 12 requests for baptism through social networks.

Andrés Denmark, a pastor of the Central Mission of Chile, commented on the vision of church growth: “We believe that God's way for this church to grow is for the Bible to be opened with love, friendship and affection, sharing the truth throughout the sixth and seventh region.”

Eighty Lives Transformed

Throughout the event, 80 people were baptized, of which 17 did so in Talca. Raquel Yate, recently baptized, recounted her transformative experience: “This week's topics touched my heart. I felt like they were talking to me, especially about spiritualism. After my baptism, the feeling of the presence of spirits in my house disappeared. Now I have a great desire to go out and preach about God.”

Leaders believe this series marked a milestone in the community, showing the power of unity and faith to spread the divine message in end times.

The campaign reached thousands of people with the gospel message.
The campaign reached thousands of people with the gospel message.

The original article was published on the South American Division Spanish news site.


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