'Esther' author offers training for Adventist writers

Warburton, Victoria, Australia
Nathan Brown/ANN


Writing an important ministry, seminar leader says

Sharpen your pencils.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia is promoting training for its wordsmiths.

Last week, writing seminars in three locations across the country attracted more than 80 writers for training and encouragement from an Adventist author who challenged participants to use their talents by contributing to church publications.

“As the culture within and around the church changes, we need to continue finding new ways to communicate,” said Trudy Morgan-Cole, who presented the three seminars. “We need writers who can speak both to those inside the church and in the world around us.”

Morgan-Cole, a Canadian, has authored 13 books, including “Esther: A Story of Courage.”

While some pursue writing as a career or serious hobby, Morgan-Cole said it can be most important as a ministry.

“My impression is that the Adventist church in Australia has a great many gifted writers, some who are currently writing and many more whose talent is ripe for development,” she said.

The seminars, co-sponsored by Adventist-owned Signs Publishing Company and Avondale College, were held at the Western Australian Conference camp meeting in Perth, Avondale College in New South Wales and in Brisbane, Queensland.

“It was very interesting and inspiring,” said Desre Nikolich, who attended the seminar at Avondale College. “It also gave practical tips on the craft of writing and insight into being a published author.”

Morgan-Cole said she looked forward to church organizations considering similar seminars for Adventist writers in other regions of the world.

In her workshops, Morgan-Cole demonstrates her passion for story-telling as vehicles for truth and transformation. “When we read the great stories of the Bible, we are able to place ourselves in the story and see how the grace that transformed the lives of the Bible characters can be effective in transforming our own lives,” she said.

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