
Atlanta, Georgia, United States

The updated list of church officers as they are elected at the 2010 World Church Session

President -- Ted N. C. Wilson

Secretary -- G. T. Ng

Treasurer -- Robert E. Lemon

General Vice President -- Delbert W. Baker

General Vice President -- Lowell C. Cooper

General Vice President -- Geoffrey G. Mbwana

General Vice President -- Armando Miranda

General Vice President -- Pardon K. Mwansa

General Vice President -- Michael L. Ryan

General Vice President -- Benjamin D. Schoun

General Vice President -- Ella S. Simmons

General Vice President -- Artur A. Stele

Undersecretary -- Homer W. Trecartin

Associate Secretary -- Rosa T. Banks

Associate Secretary -- Myron Iseminger

Associate Secretary -- Agustin Galicia

Associate Secretary -- John Thomas

Associate Secretary -- Harald Wollan

Undertreasurer -- Juan R. Prestol

Associate Treasurer -- George O. Egwakhe

Associate Treasurer -- Daisy J. Orion

Associate Treasurer -- Roy E. Ryan

Associate Treasurer -- J. Raymond Wahlen II

General Field Secretary -- Paul S. Brantley

General Field Secretary -- Gary D. Krause

General Field Secretary -- Angel Manuel Rodriguez

General Field Secretary -- Charles Sandefur

General Field Secretary -- Brad Thorp

World Divisions

East-Central Africa

President -- Blasious M. Ruguri

Secretary -- Nathaniel M. Walemba

Treasurer -- Jerome Habimana


President -- Bruno R. Vertallier

Secretary -- Gabriel E. Maurer

Treasurer -- Norbert Zens


President -- Guillermo E. Biaggi

Secretary -- Vladimir A. Krupskyi

Treasurer -- Brent B. Burdick


President -- Israel Leito

Secretary -- Elie Henry

Treasurer -- Filiberto M. Verduzco Avila

North American

President -- Daniel R. Jackson

Secretary -- G. Alexander Bryant

Treasurer -- G. Thomas Evans

Northern Asia-Pacific

President -- Jairyong Lee

Secretary -- Akeri Suzuki

Treasurer -- Kenneth W. Osborn

South American

President -- Erton C. Kohler

Secretary -- Magdiel Perez

Treasurer -- Marlon de Souza Lopes

South Pacific

President -- Barry D. Oliver

Secretary -- Lawrence P. Tanabose

Treasurer -- Rodney G. Brady

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean

President -- Paul S. Ratsara

Secretary -- Solomon Maphosa

Treasurer -- Goodwell Nthani

Southern Asia

President -- John Rathinaraj

Secretary -- Gordon E. Christo

Treasurer -- G. S. Robert Clive

Southern Asia-Pacific

President -- Alberto C. Gulfan Jr.

Secretary -- Saw Samuel

Treasurer -- Keith R. Heinrich


President -- Bertil A. Wiklander

Secretary -- Audrey Andersson

Treasurer -- Johann E. Johannsson

West-Central Africa

President -- Gilbert Wari

Secretary -- Onaolapo Ajibade

Treasurer -- Emmanuel S. D. Manu

General Conference Departments

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries

Director -- Gary R. Councell

Associate Director -- Mario E. Ceballos

Auditing Service

Director -- Paul H. Douglas

Associate Director -- Gary B. Blood

Associate Director -- Christopher S. Garrity

Associate Director -- Daniel E. Herzel

Associate Director -- Mark S. Hyder

Associate Director -- Jeremy T. Smith

Associate Director for North America -- Robyn W. Kajiura

Associate Director for Trans Africa -- Furaha Mpozembizi

Associate Director for Trans America -- Roy Cortez

Associate Director for Trans Asia-Pacific -- Paul J. Edwards

Associate Director for Trans Euro-Asia -- Sandra C. Grice

Children's Ministries

Director -- Linda Koh

Associate Director -- Saustin K. Mfune


Director -- Williams Costa Jr.

Associate Director -- Andre Brink

Associate Director -- Garrett Caldwell


Director -- Lisa M. Beardsley

Associate Director -- Hudson E. Kibuuka

Associate Director -- Mike Lekic

Associate Director -- Luis A. Schulz

Associate Director -- John Wesley Taylor, V

Family Ministries

Director -- Willie Oliver

Associate director -- Elaine Oliver

Health Ministries

Director -- Allan R. Handysides

Associate Director -- Fred Hardinge

Associate Director -- Kathleen H. K. Kuntaraf

Associate Director -- Peter N. Landless

Ministerial Association

Secretary -- Jerry Page

Associate Secretary -- Janet Page

Planned Giving and Trust Services

Director -- Thomas A. Kapusta

Associate Director -- Charles B. Simpson

Associate Director -- Wilfredo L. Sumagaysay

Public Affairs & Religious Liberty

Director -- John Graz

Associate Director -- Barry W. Bussey

Associate Director -- James D. Standish


Director -- Howard F. Faigao

Associate Director -- Wilmar Hirle

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries

Director -- Jonathan Kuntaraf

Associate Director -- Gary B. Swanson


Director -- Erika F. Puni

Associate Director -- Mario Nino

Women's Ministries

Director -- Heather-Dawn Small

Associate Director -- Raquel C. Arrais


Director -- Gilbert R. Cangy

Associate Director -- Jonatan Tejel

General Conference Auditing Service Board

Ailton Dorl

Hyden G. I. Gittens

Elvira Grosu

Svetlana Kara

Jack L. Krogstad

Philip Maitanmi

Phillip Ndlovu

Yungsang Oh

Frensly Panneflek

Lotie Ragas-Blando

John Stanley

Evelyn Will

Vincent Zirimwabagabo

Ex Officio

Lowell C Cooper

Paul H Douglas

Robert E Lemon

G. T. Ng

Ted N. C. Wilson

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