From inside the cars, participants respected social distance (Photo Credit: Anderson Loyola)

South America

Drive-in Celebrates Impact Hope and Brings Those Interested in Bible Study Together

Throughout Sabbath, four sessions were held conducted by Pastor Luís Gonçalves, one of the authors of the 2020 missionary book A Maior Esperança

Brasil | Jéssica Guidolin

Pedreira Paulo Leminski, in Curitiba, known for receiving different attractions in the city, became a place of worship due to the drive-in Impacto Esperança, with biblical messages shared by pastor Luís Gonçalves, one of the authors of the missionary book A Maior Esperança, and songs from the Arautos do Rei quartet.

The programming format, widely used during the pandemic throughout the country, was organized in four sessions throughout Sabbath, October 31, by the administrative headquarters of the Adventist Church in the center and south of Paraná, with the support of the office that coordinates the activities in the three southern states of Brazil. Complying with all security measures on account of Covid-19, each session was prepared to receive 200 cars at a time.

“We are integrated with two major objectives: the first is to celebrate our hope with our brothers, using this moment to evangelize our friends who are with us here. And a second objective is that we go out to impact our community, aiming to reach people for the Lord Jesus,” explains Pastor Williams César, president of the Adventist Church in the southern region of Paraná..

The drive-in was a way of broadcasting Impact Hope. “Today, in Brazil and South America, we are celebrating Impact of Hope, and Curitiba could not be left out. So, taking a little hope to the people makes it more comfortable,” details Pastor Lourival Gomes, who presides over the Adventist Church in the central region of Paraná.

Invitation to a Friend

Each person who purchased a ticket to participate in the drive-in was challenged to invite someone who is studying the Bible. "These friends need to know the message of the gospel to feel the desire to belong, the joy of these people, and understand that what impacts them has impacted us first," says Pastor Marlinton Lopes, who runs the Adventist Church in southern Brazil.

Someone who was impacted by Sabbath's message was Jason Silva: “I was at home and I was invited today to be here. I already attend the Adventist Church and am preparing to be baptized. I found the program wonderful. It was an honor to be able to participate in this drive-in.”

Jeferson de Souza was also present as a result of an invitation from his sister. “I found the drive-in to be very well organized, the Word was very good. I think Pastor Luís Gonçalves was talking to me. I am scheduling myself to be baptized. It is God speaking to me, so I have to follow Him,” believes the tour driver.

The drive-in was marked by numerous decisions and the baptism of ten people.

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This article was originally published on the South American Division’s Portuguese news site
