Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Digital Evangelism of Hiroshima Adventist Academy


Pastor Hayato Shimada, Chaplain of Hiroshima Adventist Academy
Photo Courtesy of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division

Photo Courtesy of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division

In the spring of 2020, students of the Hiroshima Adventist Academy (HAA) were not able to return to the campus after their winter break because of an emergency declaration due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the world was consumed by anxiety due to the invisible virus, students voluntarily started to virtually sing songs of praise together. 

One of the praise songs, “We Want to Become a Tree of God,” was sung by 223 people. Not only did students participate in the virtual choir, but 170 graduates and families from the school also joined. Even now, a year later, this video clip is still being played on YouTube. A non-Adventist Christian who watched the video sent a letter to the school and said, “I was deeply impressed by this video [during these] days of the pandemic.” We thank God for sending His peace to many people through the praise songs. 

Forced to stay home due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many graduates and guardians watched the videos of HAA through the internet. One day, a graduate posted a comment: “I watched the online vespers clip last night, and I noticed that it was held in our school!”

We want to continue to deliver praises and the gospel of God through our online channel and we believe God has provided a way to proclaim the Good News in this way, as Scripture says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes.3:11). Seeing such responses, the graduate class of 2020 donated new equipment for our digital evangelism activities as a commemorative gift. 

Please visit the official YouTube channel of HAA. If you subscribe to our channel, you can watch various activities of HAA as well as gospel messages and songs.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

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