Denmark: Remix Emerges

Denmark: Remix Emerges

Copenhagen, Denmark | ANR/ANN Staff

Several churches across Europe are adding a new element to the way they do church, and Denmark is no exception. 'Remix,' the Seventh-day Adventist church plant in Copenhagen, is celebrating its first two baptisms. With seven other baptized church members

Several churches across Europe are adding a new element to the way they do church, and Denmark is no exception. ‘Remix,’ the Seventh-day Adventist church plant in Copenhagen, is celebrating its first two baptisms.  With seven other baptized church members requesting to transfer their membership to Remix, it is now an official group under the Adventist Church’s Danish Union. This marks a major step toward establishing an official congregation, according church officials. 

The project began in 2000 with a youth club, which helped lay the foundation for the emerging church. It wasn’t until the spring of 2004 that monthly worship services began under the name ‘Remix.’ A group of teenagers from Copenhagen Café Church became involved in this outreach, seeking to reach unchurched teenagers in Northwest Copenhagen. Today about 30 teenagers worship together at Remix, of whom half are not Christians.

Remix has challenged itself to serve teenagers, but all ages are welcome. Worship services and other activities focus on the needs of unchurched teenagers, but church leaders in the region say that adults who are involved also experience the blessing of the fellowship that is taking place.