Commentary: Before and After: The main thing

ESD 9 Before and After The main thingCroppedforPositng


Euro-Asia Division

Commentary: Before and After: The main thing

Moscow, Russia | Pavel Liberansky,, Head of Publishing Department, Euro-Asia Division

What the story of Noah can teach us about how to be in quarantine.

Man gets used to everything. And perhaps many of us are already accustomed to both quarantine and self-isolation. Once in Heaven, many of us will probably be interested in asking Noah how he suffered isolation in the ark? It was a kind of quarantine that had never happened before, with absolutely closed doors. How did Noah get along with his family in this enclosed space?

While still in the ark and dreaming of the end of the flood, Noah probably came to the conclusion that the Earth they would soon re-enter would be completely different than the one they’d left behind. It seems to me that he had difficulty understanding and imagining how he would live in completely different conditions. Where to live? Where to start? What resources? What will the earth be like after a worldwide water disaster? It seems that the patriarch had quite a few questions, but he also had an answer to all his questions, which consisted of God and his plan.

For Noah, his previous long experience with God was very important; this kept him in the ark, isolated for a whole year. During the flood, Noah did not lose his relationship and communication with God. He believed that this quarantine would end and they would be set free again. He knew how to listen to the voice of God. Noah did not return to life on Earth earlier or later than God commanded, only when God told him, “Get out of the ark...” (Genesis 8:16). Only after God's invitation to go out does Noah come out of isolation, demonstrating obedience: “And Noah went out, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him” (Genesis 8:18).

The first thing Noah does after leaving the ark is look for a place of worship, thanks God, and worships him with his family: “And Noah built an altar to the Lord... He offered a burnt offering on the altar” (Genesis 8:20). Even after such a long quarantine, being in a confined space, not in very comfortable conditions, Noah did not lose the main purpose of life: to thank and worship God.

The life of Noah and his family was divided into BEFORE and AFTER the flood. But the main guidelines and focus of their lives did not change; trust in God, determination, and the desire to serve him were still inherent in Noah and his family.

And how will it be with us? After all, we are now in our own version of isolation, as a pandemic rages around the globe. People get sick and die, and there is real fear for themselves, family, church. The time has come to truly and honestly examine how we lived before. This is a time of special fellowship with God, bonding with family, relatives, and the church. As we endure this crisis we can clearly see how we need our previous experience with God, walking with him, serving and obeying him.

But soon it will all end, and we will hear, like Noah, “That's it--go out! Go, don’t be afraid, live and another time AFTER will begin.” What will be the main focus for us in this new time of our life? What will we do first, having freedom of movement, communication with the outside world? Noah’s act is an example for all of us, for our communities and the whole church. In the first place is the act of worship, gratitude, and consecration with God.

Have you planned your first trip after quarantine ends? Why not plan a service now, or maybe a week of gratitude to God in your family or your community? We would very much like to meet again in prayer houses, in small groups, at special events with guests from other communities and cities. And we will have such an opportunity in the future, even if we can’t say for certain when. We will sing together again, hug each other, and visit on Saturdays. The main thing is not to forget what in our lives should be the focus, so that life AFTER is different, with more meaningful actions, more determination and dedication to serve God and preach the gospel, actively participating in the life of the church. “True followers of Christ will make his service attractive, as it really is” (The Way to Christ, p. 85).

This article was originally published on the Euro-Asia Division’s news site