Church President Welcomes Human Rights Expert, Affirms Commitment

Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Jonathan Gallagher


Dr. Jan Paulsen, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, welcomed human rights expert M. Patrice Gillibert to the Church's world headquarters and affirmed "our very strong commitment to religious tolerance, freedom of conscience, and human rights."

Pastor Jan Paulsen, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church worldwide, welcomed human rights expert M. Patrice Gillibert to the Church’s world headquarters and affirmed “our very strong commitment to religious tolerance, freedom of conscience, and human rights.”

Gillibert is assistant to Professor Abdelfattah Amor, the United Nation’s special rapporteur on religious intolerance and is charged with developing relations with interested organizations.

“We wish to continue and extend our cooperation with non-governmental organizations concerned with intolerance and human rights,” said Gillibert during his December 6 visit. “The special rapporteur is an independent expert and reports to the UN General Assembly and also its Commission on Human Rights. The mandate of this office is to respond to notifications of human rights violations and to promote tolerance and freedom from discrimination.”

Gillibert referred to an upcoming international conference on education and human rights to be held in Madrid in November 2001. “We also recognize the need to have a preventative strategy,” commented Gillibert, “because the deep roots of religious intolerance begin in early education. We wish to make sure freedom of religion and belief is part of school curricula.”

Responding for the Adventist Church, Paulsen said that “it was good to strengthen the ties between the UN and our community.”

“Religious freedom and tolerance has always been part of the agenda of the church, and such principles are not achieved through legislation but through changing minds,” said Paulsen. “Such freedoms can be hard to achieve, not only for ourselves, but for all peoples. This is why we have made a determined effort to increase our presence in the United Nations and other bodies that support the cause of religious liberty. It is our basic conviction and nature to fight for the freedom which God has given to all human beings.”

Speaking directly to Gillibert, Paulsen endorsed the work of the office of the UN special rapporteur. “We commend your ministry on behalf of the needs of mankind, those whom you are caring for in this vital area.”

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