The "We Live Here" project aims to make the world free of garbage and fosters environmental awareness in people.
In the early spring of 2021, "We Live Here" was launched, organized by teenagers from the village of Flutura, Telenesti, Moldova. On November 12, the teenagers of the Adventist Church, as well as their friends, continued the second phase of their mission in this project.
Every year a person throws out about 500 kilograms of garbage (on average) in the form of cans, bottles, packages, and pieces of paper that one no longer needs. Some of this rubbish is thrown away by people on the roads, in parks, in the fields, and in the sea. Many do not think about how much it harms the environment and our health.
Everyone, from different cities and countries, who is not indifferent to the problem of the environment can take part in an environmental project. "We Live Here" participants came to the conclusion that nature is a reflection of the state of our souls. They urge everyone to look in the mirror more often and watch their reflection. Adults should teach their children not to throw garbage anywhere but in trash cans to protect the planet. Teens hope many people will follow suit and try to keep the planet clean.
At the creation of the world, God placed the first people, man and woman, in the Garden of Eden (see Genesis 2:8). They were to cultivate the land and have dominion over the entire animal kingdom (see 1:28). Thus, humans have a God-given responsibility to preserve the environment.
By being attracted to God through nature, people learn more about His qualities, which can be included in their lives.
The initiators of the project are grateful to God; they are also grateful to the young people for their responsible approach to preserving the environment, which is an example that many people can follow in keeping the planet clean. Thus, they will fulfill the purpose for which they were created.
This article was originally published on the Euro-Asia Division’s news site