The Fiji Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, in collaboration with the Fiji-Tongan Community and ADRA Fiji, is spearheading a ‘’Bucket of Biscuits Drive” to be shipped to the kingdom of Tonga this Friday, January 28.
The request came through the office of Maveni Kaufononga, president of the Trans-Pacific Union Mission, who is Tongan. It follows the devastating undersea volcanic eruption and tsunami that caused widespread damage to Tonga on January 15.
More than 520 buckets of biscuits were collected in two days and will be handed over to the Tongan community in Suva as they are liaising with ADRA Fiji and the Fijian government regarding the shipping of relief items to Tonga.
The drive ends this evening and will be handed over to the Tongan community in Suva tomorrow morning. More donations are still making their way to the mission office in cash and in kind.
Ministers mobilised local churches and districts, and some individuals have shown overwhelming support towards the initiative. Fijian Adventists living in Australia and the United Kingdom have also sent cash donations towards the drive.
ADRA Fiji is also providing immediate cash grants to families so they can meet their most urgent needs, whether that is access to clean water, shelter, or food.
The response effort is being spearheaded by ADRA South Pacific with the support of the ADRA global network and the world church since there is no ADRA office in Tonga.
In collaboration with the Fiji Mission office, ADRA Fiji is also mobilising assistance in the form of food kits and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) kits, which will be part of the consignment of relief goods to be sent this weekend.
The Fiji Mission is planning a virtual gospel concert on Sunday, February 6, to raise funds that will be directed to the Tonga Mission.
This article was originally published on the website of Adventist Record